

Hi. I'm beautiful.

How often do any of us go up to someone and introduce ourselves as such? I'd wager never. How often do any of us go up to someone we're meeting and even THINK that? I'd wager not quite often...I know I often don't.
And I feel beautiful, REALLY beautiful right now. And it doesn't feel quite fleeting.

Now, every time I meet someone new, I will shake their hand and say. "Hi, I'm Apollo!" and inside I will think "I am beautiful" or "...and god I'm gorgeous!!" and really feel it as I shake their hand. How might that feel to get a handshake from someone who truly knows and feels their worth and their beauty and emanates it??? Well, we will see, won't we?! Lol

1 comment:

  1. It would be your lucky day if the person you greeted responded, "Of course you are!"


Thank you for adding to the discussion :)