

My "Upline" To Freedom

My reality is made by my preferences of my perspectives.

When I get pulled over and I bemoan it, and analyze how my life is crashing down, I decide to hate policemen and authority and where my tax money goes. Then, when I get a ticket, I choose back into that space and I continue the cycle of choosing to dislike getting tickets. Today, I chose not to dislike getting a ticket. I chatted with my friend in the car and grounded myself and continued our conversation while the officer did his work, much like I would do if I were at the drive-thru of Taco Bell. At one point, I turned to my friend in total accountability and said: "Well, I've been thinkin the last couple days about how I get paid next Friday and I have nowhere to spend my money, other than gettin food. Well, now I do! Though I don't really want my money to go here.....well, based on results, I do, actually." Looking at it from that perspective was so calming, and I joked around with the officer and I could tell I made him a little bit happier.

On my way home, I introspected some more and I realized I have a BUNCH of preferences that make up my life, which thereby afflict my attitude, which thereby afflict my behaviors and either connect me to or distract me from my life path. For instance, I have a VERY strong preference for streamlined traffic, and when traffic is not streamlined, I get peeved and then I start to mumble in my head, and then I start to mumble under my breath, and then I start to yell out loud, and all the while I am waging a gigantic war inside of me -- all because my preference was disturbed. Same goes for receiving traffic tickets, people looking pretty (or, rather, not looking pretty), people treating me as an equal, people fighting around me, me being a perfect being (or not) at work, and many other things.

What is YOUR "trickle-effect"? What might be in your life -- what peace might BE -- if your preferences did not affect you so negatively emotionally?
I know for me, it is freedom. Freedom is purity, and it is dancing with me right now :)


Discussing Pedophilia

This is probably considered "NSFW".

Also, to anyone under 18: know ahead of time, that this is a very touchy subject that, depending on your parents' beliefs, you may need their permission beforehand to read. If that only tempts you to read ahead and not get their permission, trust me, this conversation is not something juicy that will get your rocks off from doing so. So if you know (or are in mystery) that your parents would want you to get their permission before reading something to which I -- a person with basically no boundaries -- would put this disclaimer, you probably should just go do it, so you don't get grounded for something not really worth being grounded for. Haha!

K, so, I just now was invited to join a Facebook group that said this in its description:
"This group is for people that support freedom of others to live alternative lifestyles, whatever those be, as long as they are always consensual and never involve sex between adults and children."
And I automatically thought "Wait, who says kids can't have consensual sex?"

I want to make it clear, I am NOT a pedophile, lol. I would never have sex with a child, because that is not me nor is it what I would want in a sex partner.

My belief is that our society is against pedophilia for two reasons: first, we hold the belief that children cannot make responsible decisions and second, we believe that sex will pervert their innocent nature.

However, I see people my age (and older, in fact) who make sexual decisions as if they had the same understanding of it as a child does. I have seen people make consensual sexual decisions that have been intensely irresponsible. There is, in fact, a whole community of people out there who have sex without condoms on purpose, knowing that their sexual partner has (or may have) HIV/AIDS.

And I don't know about the "innocent nature" we give kids credit for...I know when I was a kid, I wanted to kill people. A lot, actually. Lol. I witness kids on the news taking their own lives (not an innocent act by ANY means), taking the lives of others, degrading and abusing each other spiritually and emotionally and mentally, hell and even physically. There are shows on MTV showcasing REAL LIFE teen pregnancies, and "My Super Sweet 16" which is like, the most evil show ever, I think: it parades a bunch of bitchy 15-almost-16-year-olds taking their spineless/bitchy parents around the block on their leash getting them to spend millions of dollars on their 16th birthday party, all the while treating them worse than cellmates would treat each other (well...minus the anal rape....or, at least they don't show that on TV...). Kids swear all the time nowadays (it actually frightens me how hardened children are nowadays as compared to when I was a youth), often times not really knowing what they're saying or why, simply just copycatting their parents or siblings or friends....So, really, are children "innocent" or are they just "naive"? I would say naive, because to me, innocent is a morality-inflected word that would not have much place in our childrens' lives if it were not for religion's popularity, and in specific, Catholicism's centuries-held reign in popular culture. My definition of naive is simply "not educated/well-informed on a matter."

As I said, I am not a pedophile, and have no desire to be one, but I personally feel that if someone under 18 is making what they believe to be a mutually consensual sexual decision, why should we make it illegal to stop them from making that decision for their life?


Are YOU an "ANT Tour Someone"??

The following are the people I am looking for to enjoy the ANT Tour with me. If any of the following is you, e-mail me:

-Someone who donates a 7-sleeper (year: 2005 or later) motor home to me/us.

-Someone who loves to teach me how to play an acoustic guitar while we're on the road.

-Someone who wants to play with me and for me on the road.

-Someone who loves assisting me in creating the music to my lyrics, and teaching me how they are so freaking good at it!

-Someone who wants to play their own shows, too -- I want to play shows, but it's not all about me (I'm sure you're shocked! Lol). I am excited and grateful to have a travel companion who doesn't want to do everything for me, they simply want to come and jam on their own little tour too, and we are traveling together :)

-Someone who LOVES to travel, enjoys getting their hands dirty and wants to experience everything that the U.S., Canada and Mexico have to offer!

-Someone who is joyful, powerful and vibrant, energetic and loving, creative, fun, talented and inspiring, and feels and exhibits their own worth.

-Someone who LOVES to live.

-Graphic designer(s) - to create fabulous T-shirts and album artwork - that is/are willing to contract their services on the basis of commission-based payment (i.e., I mail to them a large chunk of my profits, as I sell items to which they contributed).

-Someone who loves to experiment with media and marketing, who overcomes the regular physical boundaries of promotion, and works until he/she has the desired result (or even something better) in order to secure venues to play in and create MASSIVE buzz for each performance before we arrive at its corresponding venue.

I love all of us joyfully doing what we are most passionate about in our lives! :) If you fit into any of these categories, please, feel free to shoot me an e-mail! You can do so by clicking here, going to the "Contact Us" page and filling out the form, or by e-mailing directly to couragelovejoy@yahoo.com. Make sure to put "ANT Tour "Someone"" in the subject line.
