

Business as Usual

I have A LOT to do this weekend! Holy crap, it's intimidating. Therefore, I MIGHT not be blogging Friday and Sunday, and I 99% likely will not be blogging on Saturday. Now, I'm not posting this update to run you off, by any means, just so you won't be disappointed if you come and there's not a new post :)

Like I said, I have so much to do this weekend. I just began my first business, Get Smashed! (feel free to check it out here: Get Smashed! page), and there is a lot to still complete to get it into the wheels of success that the Universe is aligning me with! Additionally, this Saturday morning and afternoon, my friend Raina is having a $5 car wash to raise money so she can enroll in the Part Two: Brilliance Within training at The Great Life Foundation. As her angel, I will be there assisting her. She's also letting me bring branded shirts for the Washers to wear, and car window press-ons to give away to promote Get Smashed! To complete all of this, I've made a clear list to keep myself on track (and to remember everything! Haha).

Here is my to-do list:
1. Find buckets and rags to borrow or have, for the car wash
2. Call Dezaree Nielsen to receive information about the press-ons
3. Get 10 plain yellow T-shirts and Iron-On Printer Sheets
4. Get 10 pieces of posterboard, Sharpies, and small wooden posts to create signage
5. Find spaces in which to "Smash"
6. Ascertain breakable items
7. Get gloves and broom(s) for clean up
8. Create business cards and coupons and print them out
9. Call Melanie Muranaka and Jentri Harding to see about hiring them.

If any of my fabulous readers can assist me in any way, I'd love to hear how. Feel free to e-mail get.smashed.biz@gmail.com or call 801-913-2216 if you can.

Anyhow, I get to complete all this before 8 a.m. this Saturday! And, of course, I can't sacrifice my personal life for all of this. So on top of all that craziness above, I am living a full-fledged social life this weekend. I am doing more than I've ever done in one weekend alone...it's crazy...

Friday, I'm creating the Washer's T-shirts around 6pm and then at 10pm, I'm heading out to go to Lumpy's with my friend Sara Boulter. Then on Saturday morning, I'll be at the car wash at 9am in Spanish Fork until 10:30, at which point I will leave to go to my friend's book club meeting at 11 in Draper. We are discussing "On the Road," by Jack Kerouac. Oh shoot, that reminds me...I have to read the whole book tonight! Lol. Then, after the book club meeting, I will be returning to the car wash. At some point in the afternoon, I will then be attending a Pig Roast that my friend has planned, after which I will head to Green Street for my friend Heidi Haas's birthday party at 9pm. After about an hour or so there, I will be heading out to go camping with two of my friends, Lisa and Will, and we'll be staying overnight until Sunday morning/afternoon. I will return by 2pm on Sunday, when my BBQ/Pool Party Bash will begin, which will last until 4am (or whenever the last person leaves). Now, add in time for meditation, exercise, blogging and the few random errands that are on my backburner, and OH YEAH, sleep! Haha, I ACTUALLY forgot that I will have to sleep at some point.....WOW. Yeah, I've got a littttttttle more than a full plate here, haha. It's exciting! I TOTALLY feel like a creator (finally)! I guess this is what business as usual feels like. :)

So, yeah, that is my update for y'all. If you want to or see anywhere you can assist, let me know. I am a Virgo, so I am all about volunteerism, haha. Come Monday, we will be returning to our "Your Personal Brand" series, so make sure you are prepared for the next blog in that great series.

Until Our Next Meeting,


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