

This Is Me Being A Creator

Sweetness! I am incredibly stoked!

I just got off a call with one of the best in the business regarding my travel show idea, and he gave me some priceless advice and assistance! He confirmed many things I already (surprisingly) knew, and added glow to them, such that I can advance my knowledge. So the next step for me is to just get out and start shooting. I’m going to Blanding this next Thursday to assist in building homes for those living on the Navajo reservation with the non-profit group Hearts and Hands, and I’m going to take advantage of that trip to start filming. What perfection the Universe lines up for me! Now all I have to do is get a video camera to be able to film, haha! My friend that I just got off the phone with – Jasen Wade Nielsen – offered to assist me a bit with editing if need be, and I know a couple other people who excel at that who I can hook up with, and I personally love sound editing and yesterday found out that a really good (and developing) friend of mine is really skilled at sound editing anyway, and I am overflowing with creativity for the writing and hosting part of the job; everything is just lining up out of the blue and it feels great!! Like I said, all I need now is to find a camera (and preferably some decent sound-capturing equipment) and grab someone who can carry it and shoot and head down to Blanding by next week! I am sooooo looking forward, with immense excitement and optimism!

Now, the basic concept is to provide to youth and teens a fun, semi-interactive education on the diversity of the people who walk this planet with us with a purpose of engaging the viewer’s creativity and feelings of compassion and personal responsibility. I will cover niches wherever they may be. The first episode to be filmed, as stated above, will be the Navajo Nation in Blanding, Utah – their customs, dances, art, etc, as well as the plight they continue to endure regarding their government’s corruption. The second shoot will involve the gay movement in Salt Lake City – simply because I am getting more involved in it and the Pride Celebration (with which I am assisting this year) takes place at the beginning of June, which will give me ample time to edit the Blanding footage before I tackle my next episode. Plus, I think it’s great timing (and great footage to have in general), because of everything that’s going on between the gay movement and SLC, specifically, with all the hate crimes that have been occurring lately, and the indie Prop 8 movie being released in nationwide theaters soon and all. Like I said, the timing of all this creativity is absolutely impeccable! What should my third episode be? I am heavily considering India, as I am already planning on traveling there this summer…the only reason I’m CONSIDERING it, rather than COMMITTING to it is because I don’t know anything about it, or where to start with it! So I guess I will add to my to-do list to research India and its history and culture such that I can tackle something significant and interesting!

1. Research Navajo Nation for at least ten hours before Thursday.
2. Be working out to get in best shape for filming lifestyle.
3. Get video camera and someone to film.
4. Gather footage in Blanding next week.
5. Find a month-long job in Utah so I can begin saving for India.
6. Review and edit footage.
7. Format a plot for my Gay-SLC episode.
8. Research India (government, culture, rituals, niches) for at least a week.
9. Format plot for India episode.
10. Gather Gay-SLC footage in June.
11. Move to San Luis Obispo and immediately get a job to save for India trip.
12. Review and edit footage.
13. Take 2-3 days to research surfer culture and history.
14. Gather Surf footage in June/July.
15. Review and edit footage.
16. Gather footage in India in August?
17. Review and edit footage.

If you think I’m missing anything, feel free to throw anything up here. I love hearing from you guys and look forward to your discussions! Love y’all (as Texans would say)!

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