Kindness is new... I'm not sure what to write about it because I haven't often experienced it, in others or in myself. (When I say I haven't "Experienced" it, it doesn't mean it hasn't been around me trying to engage in me, I simply may have been not allowing it to engage with me)
So the other day, I went to a friend's house who I just barely met...her name is Angel Shannon, and you can find her, or her product Tranquility Circle, on my Facebook page. She read my blog the other day and was concerned about me so she offered me her services for free, and of course I welcomed the offer, as I believe when things are offered to people, especially for free, it is the Universe's way of saying "This is for you, take it." So I went. I have no idea how to exactly describe the meeting, but to sum it up it was kind of like a counseling session, I guess. After all the processing, and after all the tears, laughter and serious talk, we came down to an agreement on kindness. I have NEVER cared to be kind to anyone -- literally EVER -- unless I received an ROI. Kindness was simply about what I would get back because of what I put out, and if I could foresee no valuable ROI, it wasn't worth my time and effort, and I wouldn't make the effort to be kind. Angel assisted me in seeing the value of kindness in my life and in the lives of others (among other very deep realizations about myself, my past and my ability to shape my future) and it was very powerful. So I am challenging myself to be kind every day. Angel challenged me to take at least an hour every day to make a concerted effort to be kind to everyone, no matter who they were or what they could or could not do for me. But I've taken it one further and am doing everything I can do at all times to be kind to people. But I'm not going to be a perfectionist and beat myself up if I don't do it. I've already started and I've already slipped up and I've mostly been inspired by my ability to do something I had no faith in myself doing. So it's lookin' up, and we'll see where it goes from here :)
Thank you Ryan! You are kind.