

Funny By Request, Number One

I have never been funny by request. I'm just naturally a hoot! :)
But today I asked for topics to write about, and a friend requested I write something funny for her...so here goes! BTW, it also classifies as a judgmental rant......lol.

I love visiting a site called failbook.com. It is a branch of failblog.com, and it showcases the stupidest of the stupid on Facebook, in order for smart people like me to feel a little bit better about ourselves when we may be down. I LOVE IT. So, I'm surfing it today, and I see this person's status that says:
"OMG I need to go back to 7th grade geography. I didn't know which continent the equator passes through."

Okay, kinda understandable...I mean, this person could be in their 40s, long removed from geography lessons, having had their brain smashed into oblivions by society's unnecessary "need" to fill office positions....HOWEVER, I resent her friends trying to make her feel better about it! When you say "Don't feel bad, I forgot we even had an equator!" then NOOOO, that is not license for her to not feel bad, it is simply pointing out that you are even stupider. But she should still feel bad. Lol. Maybe instead say, "Wow, we are both pretty big morons, 'cause I totally forgot we even had an equator! Hey, let's go read an atlas for the next half hour together and educate ourselves!" Then, you're moving forward...but, really? You choose "Hey, I'm even stupider!! YEAAAAAAAA!!!!!" that is a clear sign that our world truly is moving toward the state described in "Wall-E" and "Idiocracy".
Dear god, please save us.

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