

Icelandia! (Well, that's actually a deceptive title...it ended up being more about Alex...Lol)

I think Iceland should rename itself to Icelandia just for the hell of it. We all know it's much more fun to scream ICELANDIA!!! than it is to say "Oh, yeah, I'm in.....sigh...Iceland...what a boring name, I know, right?..."
Haha ;P

Anyhow, I am here! And I am queer! Get used to it! haha ;P I am all sorts of fun and weird today...it must be the altitude...or jet lag...or whatever else I can blame it on in jest. Lol! Oh, man...ANNNYhow, I think it is actually that I am crushing on someone and SIMULTANEOUSLY having one of the most stretching experiences of my life to date by traveling to La Europa alone!! GYAHHHH!!

Ah! My mom just pointed something out to me--> It's probably actually the lack of sleep, haha...THERE we go...

ANYHOW, I am doing pretty fucking well, if you can't tell....just like a bell...though I smell....like hell...wow, I'm just pretty much ridiculous. Sorry if you came here to read this blog hoping it might be something deep and insightful and, well, worth your time haha!

So, yeah, crushing on this amazing guy named Alex. He is SIX FEET SEVEN!! I LOVE IT! As I was on the plane from SLC to Boston, he texted me that he hopes I have a good trip and all that sweet stuff, and I wasn't expecting anything, like, at all, because we just met the day before I left, and I thought we'd said the goodbyes we were going to say, like, the night before. And I am SO ecstatic that he sent those texts yesterday...I mean, it's just so sweet...that he thinks about me that much already :) You may not know this about me, but I LOVE being the benefactor of large amounts of attention (when it's ingratiating...lol).

Just by being, he is teaching me so much about myself and how I normally do relationships, and how to be a better person, and how to treat people differently and better and with more compassion. And how to treat myself better and with more compassion, too. I absolutely adore him. Plus, he's increddddibly sexy....like, from 0-60...we'll just put it that way...HAHA!

And then, like, we have SO much in common, it's great...like, more than I've ever had in common with anyone else. It's actually almost creepy. It's like he has sat in my head for the last 6 years and studied everything about me, and then recorded all my thoughts or answers or ideas in his own voice and then played them out of his mouth randomly as we got to know each other the other night. And he's a total Cockerspaniel-type personality, which I love, 'cause he's also an Aries, so he's got that firey Lion personality, too, and he has those two great traits in just the perfect amount of ration....I seriously can't think of anything "wrong" with him..well, actually, I just remembered, he had bad B.O. when we went out dancing. Lol. That's his one detracting quality. I think I can put up with that......At least I'll try to..

Oh! P.S. since you're all probably wondering, I am in Iceland, I am safe, and I am having fun with myself! (Not like that, Cary....I know you'll go there...lol)
Oh, and there are TONS of hot men. There were in the Boston-Logan airport, too...I think that something needs to be done to Utah gay men...they need a Boston/Icelandic makeover..Haha. MMMMMMM.
Wow, even that quick update turned into an update about the sexiness of the men around me..sheesh! Well, I guess that's a good thing, eh? It means I'm attracting such an abundance of sexy men in my life that I can't think of anything else.
Or else it means I'm a horndog right now.
Hmmmmm.....To be or not to be?....

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