

My Heart Is Generous! Thank YOU!!!

Life is so beautiful. It is full, it is sincere, it is generous and loving, it is grateful and humble, it is pure and I absolutely love it.

First, and most happily, I went on a date last night! It was not a regular dinner and a movie type date, and I am very happy about that. The guy is fabulous; all night he was talking sweet to me and complimenting me and making sure I was happy and feelin' good and he totally swept me away :) I am SO grateful to the Universe for giving me this opportunity. I am absolutely smitten :)

And, of course, the Universe is simultaneously offering me the opportunity to see how patient I truly can be. Being patient is not my highest virtue, lol, especially when it comes to being attracted to people. So, cool that I get the chance to stretch that part of me.

I say this because, for those who don't yet know, I am flying out to Iceland at 9:30 tomorrow morning!! :D I am SO freaking excited for this..I'm wonderin' how it will be, and am a little bit antsy and anxious because it's COMPLETELY something I've never experienced before! I bought 4 disposable cameras so I can take 108 pictures total! I can't wait to share my experience with all of you...I'm hoping I'll be able to access internet after the day's work, or possibly on our "off days" so that I can update my blog, but I doubt I will be able to...it seems like we will be pretty rurally located :)

Oh! That reminds me! I get, like, 50+ updates on Facebook per day, and it takes like, an hour or so a day for me to check my friends' Facebook status updates, so if you expect me to see anything that you put on my Facebook page, please make sure to send me a FB email as well, letting me know about whatever you posted, 'cause when I get back, I'll probably have about 1,000 updates (and I will NOT be going through that many, haha), and it would take me, like, 20 hours to get through all the updates. So yeah, just an FYI :)

I love you all, very very very much, and I appreciate the role you play in my life, and the support you give me.

(Also, a quick special shout-out to Melisa Pehrson for that AWESOME travel bag you bought me! and to Kara Grotepas for hooking me up with Alex's info so we could meet each other. He is so perfect..I absolutely LOVE YOU! oh, and to Cary Robarge, 'cause he's just absolutely amazing. I can't even express how much I care about you and am grateful for your love. I just don't get how that is possible! I love you.)

P.S. -- Kara, I still don't know how to officially pronounce your last name, so if you could let me know, that would be so awesome :D

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