This is how I've been feeling, I should postpone anything and everything. I have slacked on my commitment to blog. I just haven't been available. Physically and emotionally.
I stopped blogging last Wednesday because I staffed The Brilliance Within at The Great Life Foundation and I was too exhausted to even do anything but plop myself pathetically down into bed each night (for those who don't know, the volunteer hours are about 18 hours straight for four days). I was partially okay with that. Then, hell struck me emotionally. I had had maybe a half day to recover from staffing, and my three closest relationships crumbled from underneath me, completely out of the blue. I had no one to rely on, to rest on, or to even cry to, other than to my own pillow, which has caught its fair share of my tears already. It was all I could do to function. I stopped eating, I stopped working out, I stopped talking to almost everyone. I stored up my anger, waiting for the perfect timing to explode on the 3 relationships for betraying me so fiercely for absolutely no (or stupid) reasons.
I walked into to Part Two Post Training feeling like shit. I did NOT want to be there, I was incredibly out of alignment, I wanted to tell everyone Fuck you! and walk out of the room. I didn't even want to dance. Let's get something straight: I AM a dancer. Dancing is the definition of me, in EVERY aspect. When I don't want to dance, it is the next step to suicide. Now, I'm not saying I was ABOUT to kill myself, or even thinking about it...don't worry... I simply illustrate the point that it's as low as I can be within myself before expiration from this world.
I woke up Wednesday morning with a surprisingly new resolve on life. I decided that yes, it hurt to lose those three relationships, but if they feel like they are better off in life without me, then it is my opportunity to either: prove my worth to myself and create new friends who care strongly about me and will support me, or else really fight for someone else and humble myself before my ego and pride. I am powerful. I did both.
I humbled myself before one of them last night and created a new history with myself regarding my pride. It was pretty nice to listen to someone else without agenda. I knew only one thing: I didn't know anything. I didn't know how our conversation would turn out, I wasn't even quite sure how I wanted it to turn out! I just knew that I got to be there to listen to someone else express their opinion, be compassionate, forgive myself for what they saw and felt, and let them know how I felt. It was clean, pure, and emotional, and in the end, we forged a new path for our relationship, which is now stronger and more loving.
Now to take on the next two.......Haha!
Thank you -- for reading, listening, and being there in your own unique way.
I am busy this weekend, so I am not quite sure when my next blog post will be, to be completely honest...I have a lot to update about, though, so I am very excited to post again!
'Til Then,
Emotions suck
In many different ways...
Hello darkness, my old friend,
Ive come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
'Neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of
A neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence.
"Fools," said I, "you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon God they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said, the words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.
And whispered in the sounds of silence.
Hello darkness, my old friend,
Ive come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
'Neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of
A neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence.
"Fools," said I, "you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon God they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the signs said, the words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.
And whispered in the sounds of silence.
Special Pricing for Get Smashed! First 350 customers ONLY!
Because we have just opened, we are offering a great discount to the first 350 customers -- more than half off!
For a limited time only, schedule a "Smash Bash" for you and/or your friends/family and receive 15 minutes EACH for only 20 bucks!! ALL ITEMS to smash will be FREE for ALL of you, which means you will be SAVING MORE than 50% of the regular price!
We all have a 20 to spare; why give it to the random homeless man, or the local Mcdonald's when you could be supporting a local business AND taking advantage of a great, limited time offer that will assist you in releasing your day's stress, anger, frustration, or simply having some great fun?
Call Ryan at 801-913-2216 to schedule YOUR appointment NOW!
Because we have just opened, we are offering a great discount to the first 350 customers -- more than half off!
For a limited time only, schedule a "Smash Bash" for you and/or your friends/family and receive 15 minutes EACH for only 20 bucks!! ALL ITEMS to smash will be FREE for ALL of you, which means you will be SAVING MORE than 50% of the regular price!
We all have a 20 to spare; why give it to the random homeless man, or the local Mcdonald's when you could be supporting a local business AND taking advantage of a great, limited time offer that will assist you in releasing your day's stress, anger, frustration, or simply having some great fun?
Call Ryan at 801-913-2216 to schedule YOUR appointment NOW!
Dear Blog Buddies,
I have officially applied for school! I am going to SLCC for a bit until I can lift my grades. In 2004, I graduated high school and jumped right into my dream university, Westminster College. I was excited, scared, hesitant, and so proud of myself that I got in to the one that had been my dream school since I was seven. So I attended until January of 2006 – one and a half years. What happened?
I got there, and I met some very fake people, and some people who were only there for personal gain, and those were the ones who were being rewarded, and were being elevated and praised. Now, I know that college is for oneself, however I think it is important to have a respectful element of community there, and I did not find that.
After the first semester, I was disgusted at how easy the curriculum was. I’m a highly intelligent man, and I have a low amount of patience for stupidity, and I felt the campus was just filled with stupidity. Most of the students were just rich-bitches. I don’t say that condescendingly; that’s what everyone on the campus called them to classify those who were there via talent and those who were there via money. It was like a really bad version of high school, but MUCH pricier, rather than a higher learning institution.
And once again, my judgments created my demise. Because of all those beliefs, I started subconsciously sabotaging myself and by January of 2006 my grades were like hell. My GPA had sunk to, like, 2.95, I think? So I was put on academic probation, which simply meant that if I didn’t bring my GPA back up to 3.0+ the next semester, then I would lose my scholarship. However, I misinterpreted the meaning (probably not on accident), and thought it meant that I would have to pay for next semester’s tuition – $20,000 – by myself. I immediately jumped at the fear and high-tailed it out of there! I’ve spent the last three and a half years now, fearing going back. Numerous people have pushed me, and asked me “Why the hell aren’t you in school??” or “So when the hell are you going back to college???” (Notice: my friends apparently love the word “hell”…)
I’ve recently woken up fully. I’ve realized I had been wasting so much time in my life, and I have consequently been doing what I can to make up for lost time and get my life in full gear. My passion and zeal have awakened and it’s time for me to get shit done! ☺ So I think it was great timing when I was Skyping with my dearest friend, Sara Faulkner, and she simply said “Hey! I’m going to SLCC this fall, sign up and go to school with me!!” Normally, I would be like “Well, how much is it?” (Money is always my biggest backdoor) and “Well, I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to create the money” and “Oh, shit, well the application deadline is at the end of this week, and I have too much other stuff to do, there’s no way I have the time to get everything I need together…” (Time is also a “fun” backdoor for me to entertain) and “Oh, it will all just be so overwhelming!” But this time I just chose to operate from a different vein.
Before any responses came out of my…well, fingers (remember we were Skyping)…my hands led me to the web site for Salt Lake Community College and while we were chatting, I submitted my application. I proved my beliefs wrong right then. I had the time, because I acted on it right then. I hit the deadline (ahead of time), because I acted on it right then. And feeling that about myself feels SO good. I feel like a true man, ‘cause I’m out creating all the time! ☺
So tonight I VERY briefly looked through their online course catalog to figure out the range of classes I can take (wow, quite a lot more than I thought!) and about how many credit hours I’ll be aiming for, and consequently, how much money I get to save up ☺
But there’s quite a bit of work behind the scenes to make all the magic work. I get to obtain a copy of my transcripts from Westminster and fax them over to SLCC; I get to take placement tests; I get to meet with an Academic Advisor; I get to carefully choose all my classes; I get to attend a 90-minute orientation, which I am TOTALLY not looking forward to, haha; and a few other steps that aren’t coming to mind right now. Oh yeah, AND, by September 9, I get to create the money to actually attend, which looks like it will be about $1500 plus cost of books. So, probably about two grand all said and done. Oh! That just reminded me…Classes begin Aug. 26 (the day before my birthday) and I will be in Iceland from September 8-22, so before I head out of the country, I get to get all of my assignments done from my classes…’cause Lord knows I won’t be doin’ homework while I’m having a great time serving nature in another country! Haha. Wow...I’ve got a lot of considerations to handle…
Anyhow, I decided I would go to SLCC to get my grades up higher. My collegiate plan is to complete my Bachelor’s in Foreign Policy/Affairs at Georgetown and then go to Oxford for my Master’s. And I don’t yet know how to achieve that, but I know I will, because I have the determination to do so.
So what is it that you want to do? And what is standing in your way? Is it money, time, beliefs, self-worth? What EXACTLY is in your way? Only by ascertaining the minutiae can one know the key to their results. Comment here on this topic and take this forward to achieve that which you TRULY want in life.
Full of Love and Charity,
I have officially applied for school! I am going to SLCC for a bit until I can lift my grades. In 2004, I graduated high school and jumped right into my dream university, Westminster College. I was excited, scared, hesitant, and so proud of myself that I got in to the one that had been my dream school since I was seven. So I attended until January of 2006 – one and a half years. What happened?
I got there, and I met some very fake people, and some people who were only there for personal gain, and those were the ones who were being rewarded, and were being elevated and praised. Now, I know that college is for oneself, however I think it is important to have a respectful element of community there, and I did not find that.
After the first semester, I was disgusted at how easy the curriculum was. I’m a highly intelligent man, and I have a low amount of patience for stupidity, and I felt the campus was just filled with stupidity. Most of the students were just rich-bitches. I don’t say that condescendingly; that’s what everyone on the campus called them to classify those who were there via talent and those who were there via money. It was like a really bad version of high school, but MUCH pricier, rather than a higher learning institution.
And once again, my judgments created my demise. Because of all those beliefs, I started subconsciously sabotaging myself and by January of 2006 my grades were like hell. My GPA had sunk to, like, 2.95, I think? So I was put on academic probation, which simply meant that if I didn’t bring my GPA back up to 3.0+ the next semester, then I would lose my scholarship. However, I misinterpreted the meaning (probably not on accident), and thought it meant that I would have to pay for next semester’s tuition – $20,000 – by myself. I immediately jumped at the fear and high-tailed it out of there! I’ve spent the last three and a half years now, fearing going back. Numerous people have pushed me, and asked me “Why the hell aren’t you in school??” or “So when the hell are you going back to college???” (Notice: my friends apparently love the word “hell”…)
I’ve recently woken up fully. I’ve realized I had been wasting so much time in my life, and I have consequently been doing what I can to make up for lost time and get my life in full gear. My passion and zeal have awakened and it’s time for me to get shit done! ☺ So I think it was great timing when I was Skyping with my dearest friend, Sara Faulkner, and she simply said “Hey! I’m going to SLCC this fall, sign up and go to school with me!!” Normally, I would be like “Well, how much is it?” (Money is always my biggest backdoor) and “Well, I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to create the money” and “Oh, shit, well the application deadline is at the end of this week, and I have too much other stuff to do, there’s no way I have the time to get everything I need together…” (Time is also a “fun” backdoor for me to entertain) and “Oh, it will all just be so overwhelming!” But this time I just chose to operate from a different vein.
Before any responses came out of my…well, fingers (remember we were Skyping)…my hands led me to the web site for Salt Lake Community College and while we were chatting, I submitted my application. I proved my beliefs wrong right then. I had the time, because I acted on it right then. I hit the deadline (ahead of time), because I acted on it right then. And feeling that about myself feels SO good. I feel like a true man, ‘cause I’m out creating all the time! ☺
So tonight I VERY briefly looked through their online course catalog to figure out the range of classes I can take (wow, quite a lot more than I thought!) and about how many credit hours I’ll be aiming for, and consequently, how much money I get to save up ☺
But there’s quite a bit of work behind the scenes to make all the magic work. I get to obtain a copy of my transcripts from Westminster and fax them over to SLCC; I get to take placement tests; I get to meet with an Academic Advisor; I get to carefully choose all my classes; I get to attend a 90-minute orientation, which I am TOTALLY not looking forward to, haha; and a few other steps that aren’t coming to mind right now. Oh yeah, AND, by September 9, I get to create the money to actually attend, which looks like it will be about $1500 plus cost of books. So, probably about two grand all said and done. Oh! That just reminded me…Classes begin Aug. 26 (the day before my birthday) and I will be in Iceland from September 8-22, so before I head out of the country, I get to get all of my assignments done from my classes…’cause Lord knows I won’t be doin’ homework while I’m having a great time serving nature in another country! Haha. Wow...I’ve got a lot of considerations to handle…
Anyhow, I decided I would go to SLCC to get my grades up higher. My collegiate plan is to complete my Bachelor’s in Foreign Policy/Affairs at Georgetown and then go to Oxford for my Master’s. And I don’t yet know how to achieve that, but I know I will, because I have the determination to do so.
So what is it that you want to do? And what is standing in your way? Is it money, time, beliefs, self-worth? What EXACTLY is in your way? Only by ascertaining the minutiae can one know the key to their results. Comment here on this topic and take this forward to achieve that which you TRULY want in life.
Full of Love and Charity,
Business as Usual
I have A LOT to do this weekend! Holy crap, it's intimidating. Therefore, I MIGHT not be blogging Friday and Sunday, and I 99% likely will not be blogging on Saturday. Now, I'm not posting this update to run you off, by any means, just so you won't be disappointed if you come and there's not a new post :)
Like I said, I have so much to do this weekend. I just began my first business, Get Smashed! (feel free to check it out here: Get Smashed! page), and there is a lot to still complete to get it into the wheels of success that the Universe is aligning me with! Additionally, this Saturday morning and afternoon, my friend Raina is having a $5 car wash to raise money so she can enroll in the Part Two: Brilliance Within training at The Great Life Foundation. As her angel, I will be there assisting her. She's also letting me bring branded shirts for the Washers to wear, and car window press-ons to give away to promote Get Smashed! To complete all of this, I've made a clear list to keep myself on track (and to remember everything! Haha).
Here is my to-do list:
1. Find buckets and rags to borrow or have, for the car wash
2. Call Dezaree Nielsen to receive information about the press-ons
3. Get 10 plain yellow T-shirts and Iron-On Printer Sheets
4. Get 10 pieces of posterboard, Sharpies, and small wooden posts to create signage
5. Find spaces in which to "Smash"
6. Ascertain breakable items
7. Get gloves and broom(s) for clean up
8. Create business cards and coupons and print them out
9. Call Melanie Muranaka and Jentri Harding to see about hiring them.
If any of my fabulous readers can assist me in any way, I'd love to hear how. Feel free to e-mail or call 801-913-2216 if you can.
Anyhow, I get to complete all this before 8 a.m. this Saturday! And, of course, I can't sacrifice my personal life for all of this. So on top of all that craziness above, I am living a full-fledged social life this weekend. I am doing more than I've ever done in one weekend's crazy...
Friday, I'm creating the Washer's T-shirts around 6pm and then at 10pm, I'm heading out to go to Lumpy's with my friend Sara Boulter. Then on Saturday morning, I'll be at the car wash at 9am in Spanish Fork until 10:30, at which point I will leave to go to my friend's book club meeting at 11 in Draper. We are discussing "On the Road," by Jack Kerouac. Oh shoot, that reminds me...I have to read the whole book tonight! Lol. Then, after the book club meeting, I will be returning to the car wash. At some point in the afternoon, I will then be attending a Pig Roast that my friend has planned, after which I will head to Green Street for my friend Heidi Haas's birthday party at 9pm. After about an hour or so there, I will be heading out to go camping with two of my friends, Lisa and Will, and we'll be staying overnight until Sunday morning/afternoon. I will return by 2pm on Sunday, when my BBQ/Pool Party Bash will begin, which will last until 4am (or whenever the last person leaves). Now, add in time for meditation, exercise, blogging and the few random errands that are on my backburner, and OH YEAH, sleep! Haha, I ACTUALLY forgot that I will have to sleep at some point.....WOW. Yeah, I've got a littttttttle more than a full plate here, haha. It's exciting! I TOTALLY feel like a creator (finally)! I guess this is what business as usual feels like. :)
So, yeah, that is my update for y'all. If you want to or see anywhere you can assist, let me know. I am a Virgo, so I am all about volunteerism, haha. Come Monday, we will be returning to our "Your Personal Brand" series, so make sure you are prepared for the next blog in that great series.
Until Our Next Meeting,
Like I said, I have so much to do this weekend. I just began my first business, Get Smashed! (feel free to check it out here: Get Smashed! page), and there is a lot to still complete to get it into the wheels of success that the Universe is aligning me with! Additionally, this Saturday morning and afternoon, my friend Raina is having a $5 car wash to raise money so she can enroll in the Part Two: Brilliance Within training at The Great Life Foundation. As her angel, I will be there assisting her. She's also letting me bring branded shirts for the Washers to wear, and car window press-ons to give away to promote Get Smashed! To complete all of this, I've made a clear list to keep myself on track (and to remember everything! Haha).
Here is my to-do list:
1. Find buckets and rags to borrow or have, for the car wash
2. Call Dezaree Nielsen to receive information about the press-ons
3. Get 10 plain yellow T-shirts and Iron-On Printer Sheets
4. Get 10 pieces of posterboard, Sharpies, and small wooden posts to create signage
5. Find spaces in which to "Smash"
6. Ascertain breakable items
7. Get gloves and broom(s) for clean up
8. Create business cards and coupons and print them out
9. Call Melanie Muranaka and Jentri Harding to see about hiring them.
If any of my fabulous readers can assist me in any way, I'd love to hear how. Feel free to e-mail or call 801-913-2216 if you can.
Anyhow, I get to complete all this before 8 a.m. this Saturday! And, of course, I can't sacrifice my personal life for all of this. So on top of all that craziness above, I am living a full-fledged social life this weekend. I am doing more than I've ever done in one weekend's crazy...
Friday, I'm creating the Washer's T-shirts around 6pm and then at 10pm, I'm heading out to go to Lumpy's with my friend Sara Boulter. Then on Saturday morning, I'll be at the car wash at 9am in Spanish Fork until 10:30, at which point I will leave to go to my friend's book club meeting at 11 in Draper. We are discussing "On the Road," by Jack Kerouac. Oh shoot, that reminds me...I have to read the whole book tonight! Lol. Then, after the book club meeting, I will be returning to the car wash. At some point in the afternoon, I will then be attending a Pig Roast that my friend has planned, after which I will head to Green Street for my friend Heidi Haas's birthday party at 9pm. After about an hour or so there, I will be heading out to go camping with two of my friends, Lisa and Will, and we'll be staying overnight until Sunday morning/afternoon. I will return by 2pm on Sunday, when my BBQ/Pool Party Bash will begin, which will last until 4am (or whenever the last person leaves). Now, add in time for meditation, exercise, blogging and the few random errands that are on my backburner, and OH YEAH, sleep! Haha, I ACTUALLY forgot that I will have to sleep at some point.....WOW. Yeah, I've got a littttttttle more than a full plate here, haha. It's exciting! I TOTALLY feel like a creator (finally)! I guess this is what business as usual feels like. :)
So, yeah, that is my update for y'all. If you want to or see anywhere you can assist, let me know. I am a Virgo, so I am all about volunteerism, haha. Come Monday, we will be returning to our "Your Personal Brand" series, so make sure you are prepared for the next blog in that great series.
Until Our Next Meeting,
My little blog is growing!! I began this blog on July 2nd, and over the course of exactly one fortnight, I have seen it blossom magnificently. Initially, I had no comments, and thereby could only suppose, no readers. Now I have 4 FOLLOWERS (a.k.a. invested readers), as well as who knows how many other readers. The four who follow my blog come as a complete shock to me based on the feedback I have gotten elsewhere in my life. I have received multiple comments on Facebook and in "real life" (if there is such a thing anymore...) about how people are touched or moved by my blog posts, or they'll simply mention something about one of my posts randomly, and they are not people I would have thought would read it. It's great to see all of you loved ones coming out of the woodwork. :)
So, that's it, Simple & Sweet, if I can borrow those words :)
I am grateful to each and every person who stops by my blog and takes time out of their day to feel mine. I love you, and thank you.
In Deep, Humble Gratitude,
P.S. -- I officially launched my dream business Get Smashed! today, and it feels amazing and liberating!!! I look forward to many many smashing appointments and repeat service. Maybe you will be one of those clients?? Click this link and see if you like the business concept.
Get Smashed! info
So, that's it, Simple & Sweet, if I can borrow those words :)
I am grateful to each and every person who stops by my blog and takes time out of their day to feel mine. I love you, and thank you.
In Deep, Humble Gratitude,
P.S. -- I officially launched my dream business Get Smashed! today, and it feels amazing and liberating!!! I look forward to many many smashing appointments and repeat service. Maybe you will be one of those clients?? Click this link and see if you like the business concept.
Get Smashed! info
These Thoughtless Words are Breaking Us Apart
Why the fuck do we judge people?? What is so important about us that we choose to judge other people?? Right and left, we do it. Life is so much more precious than the words we put to it. I just read a friend's blog....and to be honest, I don't know if I should even call her a friend. Our relationship emerged as mentor/student, grew to acquaintances, evolved to loved ones (but not too close), and suddenly spiraled down to frenemies. We built the demise of our friendship on a bridge burnt by judgments.
I read posts on her blog, and I was tearing up. The preciousness of life she presented was The Absolute Truth. I noticed every single judgment I had of her. I felt every single judgment she'd had of me. And it hurt SO bad. I don't know all the judgments she holds against me, I only know the ones I hold against her, but it hurt. Probably worse because of that. Because I don't know her judgments yet I CONTINUE to throw mine at her. I can't believe I have been content to perform that role for so long! Way to be a stereotype, Ry: the petty, judgmental queer. Tomorrow I will call her, and find out when I can meet with her and hug her and offer up my sorrow and humble myself before her, creating clarity between us and a new beginning.
Being judged hurts. Bottom line. So why -- seriously, now, WHY -- would we ever rationally choose to judge one another? Please assist me in stopping judgment. I will do my part; please do your part. Judgment hurts, it keeps us FAR separated, and only aids us in concocting falsehood in the rest of our lives. Thank you for your assistance, loved ones.
With Sorrow, Humility and Grace,
Why the fuck do we judge people?? What is so important about us that we choose to judge other people?? Right and left, we do it. Life is so much more precious than the words we put to it. I just read a friend's blog....and to be honest, I don't know if I should even call her a friend. Our relationship emerged as mentor/student, grew to acquaintances, evolved to loved ones (but not too close), and suddenly spiraled down to frenemies. We built the demise of our friendship on a bridge burnt by judgments.
I read posts on her blog, and I was tearing up. The preciousness of life she presented was The Absolute Truth. I noticed every single judgment I had of her. I felt every single judgment she'd had of me. And it hurt SO bad. I don't know all the judgments she holds against me, I only know the ones I hold against her, but it hurt. Probably worse because of that. Because I don't know her judgments yet I CONTINUE to throw mine at her. I can't believe I have been content to perform that role for so long! Way to be a stereotype, Ry: the petty, judgmental queer. Tomorrow I will call her, and find out when I can meet with her and hug her and offer up my sorrow and humble myself before her, creating clarity between us and a new beginning.
Being judged hurts. Bottom line. So why -- seriously, now, WHY -- would we ever rationally choose to judge one another? Please assist me in stopping judgment. I will do my part; please do your part. Judgment hurts, it keeps us FAR separated, and only aids us in concocting falsehood in the rest of our lives. Thank you for your assistance, loved ones.
With Sorrow, Humility and Grace,
You Are Going to Die Within the Year
Everyone says they have a bucket list, but most of us probably won't get started on it until we're 58, have had a sever mid-life crisis and have decided we want something new with our life. Well, luckily for me, I had my mid-life crisis early :)
I have created a 53-item to-do list, but I've given myself a challenge. Looking at my list, most people might choose to do all these before they die. But I want to really experience life, so I decided to give myself a one-year timeline to accomplish all of the items. Why? Because then when I've accomplished all of these items, I will have SOO much life left to accomplish and experience SOO much more. Why do we limit ourselves? Why, when we can soar like eagles, do we settle for flying like a seagull? This is where your list from yesterday comes in.
Whip out your 3 things that you wrote down that you have wanted to accomplish for some time. Why have you been stopping yourself from accomplishing them? What, in your perception, stands in your way? All our beliefs, fears, truths and perspectives are 100% valid, because WE, as the beautiful human being we are, chose to create them. Now just because they are valid does not mean that they cannot be proven wrong, or turned on their head. For instance, when I started my list, I wrote down that I wanted to learn Arabic. The only way I knew how to do that is to either learn it in college or to go to an Arabic country and live there for a while and pick it up that way. Both of which require money to happen, right?That was my belief about learning Arabic. Same goes with Chinese.....Then, lo and behold, about two days later, my friend asks me to catsit, and I come across Mandarin Chinese and Farsi (Persian) on his computer. It's just sitting there waiting for me to transfer it to my computer. For free. No money to stop me. Crazy, right? The Universe was just sitting there waiting -- just WAITING -- to turn my beliefs on their head.
I am very inspired by my friend Jana, whose blog you can find at if you are interested in reading it... In her second blog, she talks about how she is going through this scary time right now, because she is radically shifting her life, and the lives of those around her, by looking at where her life is at and adjusting it to where she wants it to be. It is so beautifully vulnerable, honest and full of inspires me to continue to shift my life to where I want it to be. The key is: you can make as many fancy lists or blogs or WHATEVER that you want to, but without following it through with action, it is simply an exercise in you writing down how stuck you/your life is.
So here is MY one-year bucket list! The upload graphics thing wouldn't work for me for some reason, so I just copied and it should be really clear to see this time (compared my earlier blog Your Personal Brand)! Haha.
For the record, I have taken action on or completed numbers: 3, 6, 17, 18, 22, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40, 43, 46, 47, & 50. And it's only been three weeks since I created this list, and, realistically, only two or two and a half weeks since I took action on my list. So that's proof that we can all make great, easy progress in our lives if I can do that much in such a short amount of time, Haha!
Now, some of you may be thinking, "Oh, this is a pretty good idea...but I won't really ever do it."
WHY???? You could be dead within a year. You will never know when you will die, and you will die one day and there you will be. Dead. And what will you have done in your life to create happiness, joy, peace..your true self? what will you have shown the world, concerning your life? Michael Jackson died suddenly. Everyone around him was surprised because they thought, for the most part, he was fit as a fiddle. And then BOOM, one day he has a heart attack. (If you're keen, you will have noticed my list was created the day he died.) Will you waste your life, or will you Create your life? Will you kill your time? Or will will you live your time?
I look forward to your responses, immediately and a year from now. What will you be for yourself within the next year?
With Love and Gratitude,
I have created a 53-item to-do list, but I've given myself a challenge. Looking at my list, most people might choose to do all these before they die. But I want to really experience life, so I decided to give myself a one-year timeline to accomplish all of the items. Why? Because then when I've accomplished all of these items, I will have SOO much life left to accomplish and experience SOO much more. Why do we limit ourselves? Why, when we can soar like eagles, do we settle for flying like a seagull? This is where your list from yesterday comes in.
Whip out your 3 things that you wrote down that you have wanted to accomplish for some time. Why have you been stopping yourself from accomplishing them? What, in your perception, stands in your way? All our beliefs, fears, truths and perspectives are 100% valid, because WE, as the beautiful human being we are, chose to create them. Now just because they are valid does not mean that they cannot be proven wrong, or turned on their head. For instance, when I started my list, I wrote down that I wanted to learn Arabic. The only way I knew how to do that is to either learn it in college or to go to an Arabic country and live there for a while and pick it up that way. Both of which require money to happen, right?That was my belief about learning Arabic. Same goes with Chinese.....Then, lo and behold, about two days later, my friend asks me to catsit, and I come across Mandarin Chinese and Farsi (Persian) on his computer. It's just sitting there waiting for me to transfer it to my computer. For free. No money to stop me. Crazy, right? The Universe was just sitting there waiting -- just WAITING -- to turn my beliefs on their head.
I am very inspired by my friend Jana, whose blog you can find at if you are interested in reading it... In her second blog, she talks about how she is going through this scary time right now, because she is radically shifting her life, and the lives of those around her, by looking at where her life is at and adjusting it to where she wants it to be. It is so beautifully vulnerable, honest and full of inspires me to continue to shift my life to where I want it to be. The key is: you can make as many fancy lists or blogs or WHATEVER that you want to, but without following it through with action, it is simply an exercise in you writing down how stuck you/your life is.
So here is MY one-year bucket list! The upload graphics thing wouldn't work for me for some reason, so I just copied and it should be really clear to see this time (compared my earlier blog Your Personal Brand)! Haha.
For the record, I have taken action on or completed numbers: 3, 6, 17, 18, 22, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40, 43, 46, 47, & 50. And it's only been three weeks since I created this list, and, realistically, only two or two and a half weeks since I took action on my list. So that's proof that we can all make great, easy progress in our lives if I can do that much in such a short amount of time, Haha!
(JUNE 25, 2009 – JUNE 25, 2010)
1. Learn Italian
2. Learn French
3. Learn Chinese
4. Learn Korean
5. Learn Russian
6. Learn Arabic
7. Learn Portuguese
8. Open Get Smashed!
9. Have Get Smashed! be a premier date spot in Utah
10. Have Get Smashed! be a profitable and reputable mental health avenue in Utah.
11. Go to Belize on vacation
12. Take an all-inclusive trip to either Atlantis or Sandals Resort in the Caribbean
13. Take a vacation to Italy
14. Take a vacation to London
15. Take a vacation to Taiwan before Sara leaves it.
16. Have Get Smashed! make revenue of $50,000+ per day
17. Have completed my personal brand
18. Have committed 100% to and taken 5+ steps toward fulfilling my personal brand.
19. Have a modeling career.
20. Learn and commit to memory basic HTML
21. Learn basic typing/computer skills until I feel I know enough
22. Take an auto class: learn the basics of cars and how to fix an automobile.
23. Own a MacBook Air and a regular MacBook Pro.
24. Go to a challenging, distinguished university –
deservedly en route to earning my degree to become U.S. Secretary of State.
25. Meditate every morning and every night.
26. Document ALL volunteer hours I serve.
27. Document EVERY item I donate, along with the amount of its value.
28. Have taken one quantifiable step toward beginning a (meaningful) non-profit.
29. Live a self-disciplined life.
30. Live a peaceful, joyful, fulfilled life.
31. Live healthily.
32. At least quarterly, throw fun, engaging, fabulous parties that are talked about
(for happy reasons) long after they happened.
33. Know as much as possible of ballet.
34. Know basics of simple, elegant ballroom dances.
35. Fully understand human anatomy.
36. Read Book of Mormon, King James’ Bible, Pearl of Great Price and Doctrine & Covenants.
37. Read the Koran
38. Study Hinduism
39. Study Buddhism
40. Read the Jewish holy scripture
41. Read the standard Catholic holy scripture
42. Go on an African safari with Will, Jackie, Mom, Nicole, Kris, Court and my significant other.
43. Quarterly, write thank you letters to the Orvises for the impact they’ve had on me.
44. Spend money wisely.
45. Save money wisely.
46. Know money.
47. Have a beautiful, tranquil, generous living space.
48. Take $30,000 home to my personal bank account every month.
49. Be able to play piano, guitar and drums very well.
50. Read one book per month.
51. Have an immaculately defined muscular body.
52. Have removed all the hair on my back and shoulders.
53. Go to Gili Meno in Bali for two weeks and live in introspective silence.
(JUNE 25, 2009 – JUNE 25, 2010)
1. Learn Italian
2. Learn French
3. Learn Chinese
4. Learn Korean
5. Learn Russian
6. Learn Arabic
7. Learn Portuguese
8. Open Get Smashed!
9. Have Get Smashed! be a premier date spot in Utah
10. Have Get Smashed! be a profitable and reputable mental health avenue in Utah.
11. Go to Belize on vacation
12. Take an all-inclusive trip to either Atlantis or Sandals Resort in the Caribbean
13. Take a vacation to Italy
14. Take a vacation to London
15. Take a vacation to Taiwan before Sara leaves it.
16. Have Get Smashed! make revenue of $50,000+ per day
17. Have completed my personal brand
18. Have committed 100% to and taken 5+ steps toward fulfilling my personal brand.
19. Have a modeling career.
20. Learn and commit to memory basic HTML
21. Learn basic typing/computer skills until I feel I know enough
22. Take an auto class: learn the basics of cars and how to fix an automobile.
23. Own a MacBook Air and a regular MacBook Pro.
24. Go to a challenging, distinguished university –
deservedly en route to earning my degree to become U.S. Secretary of State.
25. Meditate every morning and every night.
26. Document ALL volunteer hours I serve.
27. Document EVERY item I donate, along with the amount of its value.
28. Have taken one quantifiable step toward beginning a (meaningful) non-profit.
29. Live a self-disciplined life.
30. Live a peaceful, joyful, fulfilled life.
31. Live healthily.
32. At least quarterly, throw fun, engaging, fabulous parties that are talked about
(for happy reasons) long after they happened.
33. Know as much as possible of ballet.
34. Know basics of simple, elegant ballroom dances.
35. Fully understand human anatomy.
36. Read Book of Mormon, King James’ Bible, Pearl of Great Price and Doctrine & Covenants.
37. Read the Koran
38. Study Hinduism
39. Study Buddhism
40. Read the Jewish holy scripture
41. Read the standard Catholic holy scripture
42. Go on an African safari with Will, Jackie, Mom, Nicole, Kris, Court and my significant other.
43. Quarterly, write thank you letters to the Orvises for the impact they’ve had on me.
44. Spend money wisely.
45. Save money wisely.
46. Know money.
47. Have a beautiful, tranquil, generous living space.
48. Take $30,000 home to my personal bank account every month.
49. Be able to play piano, guitar and drums very well.
50. Read one book per month.
51. Have an immaculately defined muscular body.
52. Have removed all the hair on my back and shoulders.
53. Go to Gili Meno in Bali for two weeks and live in introspective silence.
Now, some of you may be thinking, "Oh, this is a pretty good idea...but I won't really ever do it."
WHY???? You could be dead within a year. You will never know when you will die, and you will die one day and there you will be. Dead. And what will you have done in your life to create happiness, joy, peace..your true self? what will you have shown the world, concerning your life? Michael Jackson died suddenly. Everyone around him was surprised because they thought, for the most part, he was fit as a fiddle. And then BOOM, one day he has a heart attack. (If you're keen, you will have noticed my list was created the day he died.) Will you waste your life, or will you Create your life? Will you kill your time? Or will will you live your time?
I look forward to your responses, immediately and a year from now. What will you be for yourself within the next year?
With Love and Gratitude,
bucket list,
forward movement,
Shindigginess, beeotches!
Hey, Blog Buddies,
I am heading off for a party that I am late to because I forgot its date, so I will post when I get home tonight...which will be....well, who knows when. That's why I'm posting a quick note now letting you know. My blog for today may not be posted until "tomorrow" though it will be posted before I go to sleep tonight!
Looking Forward,
I am heading off for a party that I am late to because I forgot its date, so I will post when I get home tonight...which will be....well, who knows when. That's why I'm posting a quick note now letting you know. My blog for today may not be posted until "tomorrow" though it will be posted before I go to sleep tonight!
Looking Forward,
I need a neurosurgeon!
So I've been learning how to speak Farsi the last couple of days, and I don't know how to spell it yet, so that's kind of.........retarded haha, but anyway, I have been learning to speak it, and I keep running into a problem. The program is called Pimsleur, and it is the best program in the world apparently for learning a language. My brother Will has it on his laptop (admittedly illegally downloaded -- but I didn't do it, so oh well! haha) so one day I was over catsitting and I transferred it (as well as his program for learning Mandarin) from his laptop over to mine and have been listening to it randomly and pretty sprasely, actually. And I already know some phrases and words! For instance, I know how to say "It's 3:00" and a few other times and stuff, and it feels great!
Anyhow, the problem is this. It'll say, like, "How do you say The kitchen is green?" and I'll open my mouth and out comes "La cocina es verde." K, wait, slow down a second....It's teaching me Spanish too?? Wow, this is a wonderful program! Hahaha, no just kidding, I already know Spanish (and French). Haha, I seriously loved that joke...I'm still laughing at myself! Lol. AAAANYways, so it'll ask me to say something I was supposed to have learned in Farsi, and I'll say it in Spanish, or I'll say it in French. And I'm just like "Shit, no, I need to learn FARSI, Brain! Come on, keep up here!" So, the point of this story is that I need a neurosurgeon as a best friend, so that they can compartmentalize my brain for me so that French only comes out when I am in France or Quebec....and Spanish ONLY comes out when I am in Mexico or Honduras (or Spain...or, you know the drill lol) and Farsi comes out when I am learnin' it! Haha.
So I am loving my journey as a human lately, and I am especially grateful that I have this blog to remind me of all the things I am grateful for. Sometimes I will go through my day, even after I have had a great, inspiring day or experience, and I'll get caught up in the drama of a moment and carry that with me instead throughout the day. So reflecting on my journey, and on my gifts, ambition and love for self as I learn this new language and add this new spoke to my life, it is really fun and it feels really nice to accomplish something, especially something that I've wanted to accomplish for a while!
So what is it in your life that you've been wanting to accomplish forever? Or even for a month? Or even for the last 2 days?? Think of at least three things and make a list of them. Tomorrow's blog will go further with this concept, so be ready! :)
Until Tomorrow,
Anyhow, the problem is this. It'll say, like, "How do you say The kitchen is green?" and I'll open my mouth and out comes "La cocina es verde." K, wait, slow down a second....It's teaching me Spanish too?? Wow, this is a wonderful program! Hahaha, no just kidding, I already know Spanish (and French). Haha, I seriously loved that joke...I'm still laughing at myself! Lol. AAAANYways, so it'll ask me to say something I was supposed to have learned in Farsi, and I'll say it in Spanish, or I'll say it in French. And I'm just like "Shit, no, I need to learn FARSI, Brain! Come on, keep up here!" So, the point of this story is that I need a neurosurgeon as a best friend, so that they can compartmentalize my brain for me so that French only comes out when I am in France or Quebec....and Spanish ONLY comes out when I am in Mexico or Honduras (or Spain...or, you know the drill lol) and Farsi comes out when I am learnin' it! Haha.
So I am loving my journey as a human lately, and I am especially grateful that I have this blog to remind me of all the things I am grateful for. Sometimes I will go through my day, even after I have had a great, inspiring day or experience, and I'll get caught up in the drama of a moment and carry that with me instead throughout the day. So reflecting on my journey, and on my gifts, ambition and love for self as I learn this new language and add this new spoke to my life, it is really fun and it feels really nice to accomplish something, especially something that I've wanted to accomplish for a while!
So what is it in your life that you've been wanting to accomplish forever? Or even for a month? Or even for the last 2 days?? Think of at least three things and make a list of them. Tomorrow's blog will go further with this concept, so be ready! :)
Until Tomorrow,
Founders is the most influential LGAT I've ever encountered
Is it technically cheesing out on a committment if I snuck in and started the last blog at the last minute before the day ended, though I didn't finish it until the clock had past the strike of midnight? I vote no so I can have peace of mind. That's a win/win: you get a lovely new blog and I get peace of mind. Me likey :)
(In perfect truth, I started it before midnight on Saturday so the published time stamp would be then, but then I slept for TWELVE HOURS, haha, and am now actually starting to type it all at 4:12 pm on Sunday....and I probablhy won't finish it til like, 7 pm-ish tonight...)
So I have quite a bit to blog about today. I staffed the final day of Founders and wow, was it spectacular. I'm upset I choose not to go into details, in order to save the sacredness for those who have not yet experienced it, but I can say that I did something I have not done in....god, I don't even know how many years...maybe six? I prayed. In front of 40 other people. And I did something I have never done before. I prayed with a full, contrite, grateful heart. It truly was one of the top experiences of my life, that moment. And I thank Jayson Orvis, Brett Harward, Jocelyn Harward, Randy Blosil and, mostly, Walter Allred for bringing me that experience.
I never knew I could feel so intimately entwined with any form of deity. I never knew that I could feel as a deity myself. I never believed I could feel so secure surrounded by my closest loved ones. I never thought that I would be thankful for some of the things that came to me. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have noticed the things I am most grateful for, and really come to terms with my life in the most powerful, clearest way possible.
I was bawling throughout the prayer, swearing a couple times, too (haha) -- it was the sheerest moment of my perfection. And I am SO, unrepayably (if that is a word...if not, it is now) grateful and indebted to Walt, Randy and Jocelyn. I am upset that this blog could never -- nor could mere mortal expression -- highlight, let alone fully express, either the gratitude I feel toward them, or the peace and love I feel for myself and for the spiritual part of me, that beautiful essence of me with which I have so long feared connection. Neither could I ever humanly express what I experienced. It was the breakthrough of breakthroughs for me in this moment of my life. It was like connecting with everyone in the entire world simultaneously in the same moment and bringing that home to myself, and feeling every piece of the depths of it in my heart. It was like glimpsing at whatever it is that makes up the oneness of us all and saying "I love you" and having that love silently, humbly returned to me. It was forgiveness and peace and clarity. It was generosity and love and humility. It was complete oneness. It was grace. And yes, it was definitely How God Enrolls. It was the deepest moment I have ever experienced in my life, and I am grateful that it was first and foremost with myself, as well as with my dearest buddies.
Thank you to all of those who share this blog with me. Thank you for listening. Thank you for your compassion and care. Thank you for your depth, your trust, your willingness, and your peaceful grace.
Now it is your turn:
What is the deepest moment you have ever experienced? How do you feel about spirituality, and what is the path you have taken to come to that conclusion?
I IMMENSELY look forward to reading your comments.
With Love, Peace and Grace,
(In perfect truth, I started it before midnight on Saturday so the published time stamp would be then, but then I slept for TWELVE HOURS, haha, and am now actually starting to type it all at 4:12 pm on Sunday....and I probablhy won't finish it til like, 7 pm-ish tonight...)
So I have quite a bit to blog about today. I staffed the final day of Founders and wow, was it spectacular. I'm upset I choose not to go into details, in order to save the sacredness for those who have not yet experienced it, but I can say that I did something I have not done in....god, I don't even know how many years...maybe six? I prayed. In front of 40 other people. And I did something I have never done before. I prayed with a full, contrite, grateful heart. It truly was one of the top experiences of my life, that moment. And I thank Jayson Orvis, Brett Harward, Jocelyn Harward, Randy Blosil and, mostly, Walter Allred for bringing me that experience.
I never knew I could feel so intimately entwined with any form of deity. I never knew that I could feel as a deity myself. I never believed I could feel so secure surrounded by my closest loved ones. I never thought that I would be thankful for some of the things that came to me. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have noticed the things I am most grateful for, and really come to terms with my life in the most powerful, clearest way possible.
I was bawling throughout the prayer, swearing a couple times, too (haha) -- it was the sheerest moment of my perfection. And I am SO, unrepayably (if that is a word...if not, it is now) grateful and indebted to Walt, Randy and Jocelyn. I am upset that this blog could never -- nor could mere mortal expression -- highlight, let alone fully express, either the gratitude I feel toward them, or the peace and love I feel for myself and for the spiritual part of me, that beautiful essence of me with which I have so long feared connection. Neither could I ever humanly express what I experienced. It was the breakthrough of breakthroughs for me in this moment of my life. It was like connecting with everyone in the entire world simultaneously in the same moment and bringing that home to myself, and feeling every piece of the depths of it in my heart. It was like glimpsing at whatever it is that makes up the oneness of us all and saying "I love you" and having that love silently, humbly returned to me. It was forgiveness and peace and clarity. It was generosity and love and humility. It was complete oneness. It was grace. And yes, it was definitely How God Enrolls. It was the deepest moment I have ever experienced in my life, and I am grateful that it was first and foremost with myself, as well as with my dearest buddies.
Thank you to all of those who share this blog with me. Thank you for listening. Thank you for your compassion and care. Thank you for your depth, your trust, your willingness, and your peaceful grace.
Now it is your turn:
What is the deepest moment you have ever experienced? How do you feel about spirituality, and what is the path you have taken to come to that conclusion?
I IMMENSELY look forward to reading your comments.
With Love, Peace and Grace,
Squeaking it in...
Okay, blog buddies, it is currently 11:32 pm, and I haven't yet written a blog for the day....I got online to hurry and check Facebook and to make sure I kept my commitment to post daily (except Sundays of course...), and I ended up spending an hour of my hour and a half on Facebook (and I'm technically not even finished playing on it...), so I thought "Wow, Ryan, laaaaame" and then I thought "So you should probably get your ass over to your blog about now and post something!!" So here I am! Voila! :)
So I will keep this short and sweet and hopefully have more time to blog tomorrow so we can move on to some really cool concepts...
Well, not that tonight's blog isn't a really cool fact, it may be even cooler than tomorrow's blog, to be honest.
So I was staffing Founders tonight, and I decided to take a risk...(AHH!! SCARY!!)
I've been planning a business called Get Smashed! for a couple months now, and I've stalled right there in the planning process (like usual...), and it is my dream business, so I'm sick of getting in my own way -- I want to get it off the ground NOW. SO, I walk outside of The Great Life Foundation building and ask a couple whom I love, trust and know care about me, if they would invest in it so I can get it up and running.
Before I told them my idea, the husband said, "Well, I rarely invest in outside businesses anymore, and if I do, it's only ever in an industry I know, 'cause I've gotten burned through the years by investing in industries I didn't know anything about." This totally makes sense, so I completely honor him for it, and think "Shit, my idea is something most people have never heard of, let alone spent years involving themselves in...I'm probably screwed..." and then he asks "So what's your business idea?" and, totally caught off-guard, I tell him all about it, in a REALLY great presentation, for having none of my financial or presentation materials with me! His interest is piqued and I can tell he enjoys the idea. And he says "Well, you know, you could easily get that up and running with less than $1,000 without even having a building to rent or own or anything like that..." and I asked for more advice/feedback, 'cause I've been married to my idea for months now, so I don't immediately see that, and he and his wife provide some, and I am completely grateful. So I have that info to mull over, and in the meantime, I have a couple thousand dollars to raise in the next week or two.
I go inside Great Life, and I see two very beautiful, wise, loving souls: Jana Holm and Jess Anderson. So I skip over to Jess and take a hug from him and tell him "Thank you for this hug, I need it, I need to feel safe right now." And he asks what is up, and I tell him about the adventure outside, and he provides some love and feedback and I tell him "Yeah, butttttttt..." haha "Yeah, butttttt, I want to start NOW and if I have to start it smaller like the couple is suggesting, then it would take much longer and much more work!" and then we start "randomly" talking about the mirrors that are hanging in the back lobby over the couches. I say "randomly" because we didn't have a purpose for talking about them, but the Universe had a purpose for us talking about them.
For those that don't know or remember, there is one mirror hanging over each couch on both the north side and the south side of the back lobby. These mirrors have, like "doors" on them...shutters I guess, but the shutters are wire design, so even when they're closed, you can still see much of the mirror. I express how I hate it when people close them. I would always walk through the lobby when I worked at Great Life and open them if they were closed, and then I'd walk back through about 5 minutes later, and they'd be closed again! This would happen ALL the time, and I found it so frustrating because it totally disturbed the chi that was running throughout the building. And Great Life deserves to keep its chi flowing well because it is such an emotional space. And Jess says "You know, it doesn't surprise me at all that people close those mirrors. It is so much easier to look through a mirror that's partially closed than a fully open mirror."
WOW. Never was one phrase, so simple, and simultaneously so complex. It was beautiful....poetic, really. And it hits me like a 20-pound sack of flour, getting its white powder all over my face: The closed mirror is the easier way out. It is the path down which you could stroll and never see the full truth, and always be a version of happy. True joy, peace, love, prosperity, whatever it is you want, will only ever come from the path less travelled, that of the fully open mirror. I wanted so badly to take the easy path and only ever see part of the mirror part of the time, so that that way I could deal with it. I could deal with any failure, any feedback, any perceived setbacks if I only saw them one, or a few, at a time. But to have 16 failures punch me in the face all at once, well, dear God, that would be impossible to overcome. "I am NOT that powerful" is exactly what floated through my mind. I almost cried. Instead, I laughed at my ego. and I told it "You know what, Ego? You'll just have to do your best to prove yourself right, because I know you are wrong, and I will do my best to prove MYself right, and I will always beat you out. Truth will always beat lies, and that's all the ego is, is lies." And hot DAMN, I can't wait to see this explode. I will create it, I technically am creating it, even in my sleep, even in my subconscious, I can feel it creeping in right now...those genius ideas, those loving thoughts, those creative inspirations...they are creeping into my head right now to ferment while I sleep and explode when I awake in order to fulfill my drive to succeed. I can feel it, and I just can't get over it. And I LOVE that.
I don't want to stop writing yet, 'cause it is so exciting and fulfilling to write about it and remember the experience and remember how amazing I am, but it is about one minute until midnight, so it is time for me to post this. I will just have to go out and create MANY more experiences like this to revel in again and again and again.
With Love, Peace, Gratitude and Such Heartfelt Appreciation to You, My Reader,
So I will keep this short and sweet and hopefully have more time to blog tomorrow so we can move on to some really cool concepts...
Well, not that tonight's blog isn't a really cool fact, it may be even cooler than tomorrow's blog, to be honest.
So I was staffing Founders tonight, and I decided to take a risk...(AHH!! SCARY!!)
I've been planning a business called Get Smashed! for a couple months now, and I've stalled right there in the planning process (like usual...), and it is my dream business, so I'm sick of getting in my own way -- I want to get it off the ground NOW. SO, I walk outside of The Great Life Foundation building and ask a couple whom I love, trust and know care about me, if they would invest in it so I can get it up and running.
Before I told them my idea, the husband said, "Well, I rarely invest in outside businesses anymore, and if I do, it's only ever in an industry I know, 'cause I've gotten burned through the years by investing in industries I didn't know anything about." This totally makes sense, so I completely honor him for it, and think "Shit, my idea is something most people have never heard of, let alone spent years involving themselves in...I'm probably screwed..." and then he asks "So what's your business idea?" and, totally caught off-guard, I tell him all about it, in a REALLY great presentation, for having none of my financial or presentation materials with me! His interest is piqued and I can tell he enjoys the idea. And he says "Well, you know, you could easily get that up and running with less than $1,000 without even having a building to rent or own or anything like that..." and I asked for more advice/feedback, 'cause I've been married to my idea for months now, so I don't immediately see that, and he and his wife provide some, and I am completely grateful. So I have that info to mull over, and in the meantime, I have a couple thousand dollars to raise in the next week or two.
I go inside Great Life, and I see two very beautiful, wise, loving souls: Jana Holm and Jess Anderson. So I skip over to Jess and take a hug from him and tell him "Thank you for this hug, I need it, I need to feel safe right now." And he asks what is up, and I tell him about the adventure outside, and he provides some love and feedback and I tell him "Yeah, butttttttt..." haha "Yeah, butttttt, I want to start NOW and if I have to start it smaller like the couple is suggesting, then it would take much longer and much more work!" and then we start "randomly" talking about the mirrors that are hanging in the back lobby over the couches. I say "randomly" because we didn't have a purpose for talking about them, but the Universe had a purpose for us talking about them.
For those that don't know or remember, there is one mirror hanging over each couch on both the north side and the south side of the back lobby. These mirrors have, like "doors" on them...shutters I guess, but the shutters are wire design, so even when they're closed, you can still see much of the mirror. I express how I hate it when people close them. I would always walk through the lobby when I worked at Great Life and open them if they were closed, and then I'd walk back through about 5 minutes later, and they'd be closed again! This would happen ALL the time, and I found it so frustrating because it totally disturbed the chi that was running throughout the building. And Great Life deserves to keep its chi flowing well because it is such an emotional space. And Jess says "You know, it doesn't surprise me at all that people close those mirrors. It is so much easier to look through a mirror that's partially closed than a fully open mirror."
WOW. Never was one phrase, so simple, and simultaneously so complex. It was beautiful....poetic, really. And it hits me like a 20-pound sack of flour, getting its white powder all over my face: The closed mirror is the easier way out. It is the path down which you could stroll and never see the full truth, and always be a version of happy. True joy, peace, love, prosperity, whatever it is you want, will only ever come from the path less travelled, that of the fully open mirror. I wanted so badly to take the easy path and only ever see part of the mirror part of the time, so that that way I could deal with it. I could deal with any failure, any feedback, any perceived setbacks if I only saw them one, or a few, at a time. But to have 16 failures punch me in the face all at once, well, dear God, that would be impossible to overcome. "I am NOT that powerful" is exactly what floated through my mind. I almost cried. Instead, I laughed at my ego. and I told it "You know what, Ego? You'll just have to do your best to prove yourself right, because I know you are wrong, and I will do my best to prove MYself right, and I will always beat you out. Truth will always beat lies, and that's all the ego is, is lies." And hot DAMN, I can't wait to see this explode. I will create it, I technically am creating it, even in my sleep, even in my subconscious, I can feel it creeping in right now...those genius ideas, those loving thoughts, those creative inspirations...they are creeping into my head right now to ferment while I sleep and explode when I awake in order to fulfill my drive to succeed. I can feel it, and I just can't get over it. And I LOVE that.
I don't want to stop writing yet, 'cause it is so exciting and fulfilling to write about it and remember the experience and remember how amazing I am, but it is about one minute until midnight, so it is time for me to post this. I will just have to go out and create MANY more experiences like this to revel in again and again and again.
With Love, Peace, Gratitude and Such Heartfelt Appreciation to You, My Reader,
Ahhhhh, thank god for blogs! What a way to clear myself!
Hey, blog buddies, how are you doing today?! I hope you are great. Today is a new, fresh day; a new beginning if you choose it. I hope you do, because life sucks when we're stuck, and when we refuse to enjoy life for ourselves.
Anyhow, at the beginning of May, I joined an MLM-type of company that distributes energy drinks. The company is called eFusjon, and it is really a DELICIOUS energy drink. Not only is it great 'cause it's delicious, but even better: I can drink it! You see, three years ago, I had a seizure after a night of partying during which I had a few Rockstars, so ever since, I have sworn off energy drinks because of the IMMENSELY UNHEALTHY amount of caffeine they have in them (and while we're on the health subject, let's not forget to mention how much sugar they have in them! Bah!)
Anyhow, I was introduced to eFusjon by a friend and I was like, "Yeah, whatever, dude, it's an energy drink, I don't give a damn about it." That was my front, 'cause I somehow had to convince myself to hate energy drinks so I wouldn't pounce on them every chance I got; I just loved their taste sooo much! Then he told me about their "Raw" version, which is the same energy drink, but without caffeine. And I was like, "Well, that's cool that they'd venture there, but it obviously won't work. Caffeine is the only reason the other energy drinks work....duh..." (Yes, this is the exact candid, uncensored bitchiness I gave him, lol). But in the end, I trust him with any financial endeavor ever, and would follow him off a skyscraper if he told me it would make me money and I wouldn't die. So I signed up. Note here, please, that I'm not trying to enroll you or sign you up. I'm purely writing my thoughts and my story because I think it's a fun story. :)
So, continuing:
I signed up because I ended up trusting what he was talking about. And I've learned that that's the only reason people will ever sign up for anything, specifically anything that they perceive will risk them money, time, or their reputation. I've also learned that people will trust other people for the silliest reasons sometimes! Haha. Anyhow, I signed up in May and I spent a little less than $200 doing so, and that was a huge risk/obstacle for me. I have clung to money like it's a collector's item -- at least when it comes to RISKING IT. When it's being blown on cute clothes, it just FLIES out of my hands! Haha! So I freaked out that I risked that much on something that's "not a sure bet." K, but technically, this is the surest bet I could possibly have put my money on. I'll willingly go to Wendover and Vegas and blow a few hundred bucks, which i silly logic because I'm completely betting on luck...some of the games involve skill, yes, but for the most part, I'm betting on luck. I'm investing money into something that I really have no or minimal control over. Yet this opportunity actually, logically, makes sense. 'Cause I'm putting money down on MYSELF. I'm betting how well I can perform a job. I'm betting that I can be a solid communicator. I'm betting that I have solid, trusting, engaging friendships and relationships. I'm betting solely on myself.
HOWEVER, I didn't realize this at the time, so I totally freaked out on myself. And because I freaked out, I shut down...I was already in shut down mode from having quit my job and not knowing what I was doing at that point, not knowing where life was going, and not knowing where my money was coming from next.....and then I spent some of the precious money I had! Ahhhhhh, my mind was going craaaaaaaaazzzzzyyyyy! So I shut down, and I didn't mention to anyone that I was a part of this club, and I totally hid. To illistrate how much I hid, I was talking to my friend Sara on Skype one day and she expressed that she was concerned 'cause I didn't seem like my normal self, and asked "When was the last time you left your apartment?" and I sat there and thought, and I couldn't remember! I honestly had to tell her "Shit...I don't remember......that's pathetic..." and she said "Yes. It is, Ryan. Get your ass up and go out. SOMEWHERE." Yeah, that whole hiding thing DOESN'T really work when you're in a position where you're only gonna be more successful by talking to people....
So the first month goes by, all the while I'm hiding from everyone. Of course, I don't have success, 'cause I'm nowhere near immersing myself. I'm just sitting at my computer saying "Go efusjon!" all the while hoping that eFusjon will pick me up on its lovely-tasting wings and ride me toward financial success and peace! (Feel free to note how lame I was being.) Meanwhile, my friend Lester, who had a direct effect on my having signed up, has signed up his 100th person. WHAT THE FUCK??? And Shawn, the guy who enrolled me into the club, is so successful he's already using it to pay for his house. K, WHAT THE FUUUUUCK??? So, little old lonely, Mr. creative poetic dancer kid over here is just retarded or something? Am I not destined for riches? At least not through this avenue? Does money not like me? Am I not good enough for money?? What a bitch money is that it would avoid me and tell me I don't deserve to be a part of its life and sneer at and mock me! Fine, eff money! I don't want any of it now anyway! It can stay in Shawn's hands, paying his freaking multi-million-dollar mortgage! It can stay in the hands of anyone, as long as it's not me...'cause I hate money now. It totally offended me. That bastard...
Yes, this is all the truth of what was running through my monkey mind. I am evidently VERY emotionally attached to money.
So at this point I'm pissed. Not just at my lack of money, but at my actual eFusjon cans; at the guy who signed me up; at all the successful people out there (not just the ones participating with eFusjon!); at the sun for coming up every day and reminding me that it's a new day -- a new beginning -- and I could be out there signing people up and making money and making rent and being able to eat for another day; and then at food 'cause it makes me eat it, and I need money to buy food to eat; and then at my body for needing food to run successfully; and then at my apartment 'cause not only is there enough reasons in general for me to hate my apartment building/company (like most other people, right? Lol), but additionally because it charges me rent every month, as if my being on this world is not grace enough to waive the "necessity" or paying a few hundred bucks every month to LIVE. In case you're still wondering, no, I'm not taking ANY accountability for any of this. Basically, screw everything and everyone. Haha!
So, I go to my friend's house for a "raw food tasting." She's on a new diet for health purposes, and is to eat only raw foods, and she decided to make an event out of it to share it with other people (and 'cause she's just one of those "event" types of people). I've always wanted to do something like this, and she's a DAMN good cook, so of course I go. For a while now, I've contemplated switching to raw food and as such, eat and live more healthily -- but in my beliefs, raw food is screw raw food then! Mocking me with its health AND cost.....what a bitch....Wait wait, no, get over yourself Ryan....Just go TASTE the don't have to be mad at it just because it is aligned in some way with money, and in this moment you're still choosing to be TOTALLY unaccountable for your anger toward money and'll all be okay, just go taste some food....
And thank god I went, because Lester was there. But I was angry at him, and eFusjon, and money, remember? So, of course, right out of the gate, he starts talking about eFusjon (um, not helping, sir!!) and I'm just like "Yeah, I'm totally interested, and I'll pretend to be nice, blah blah" and then something just hit me. My higher self, I think. I say to myself: "Wait...just for a second...stop listening for a second (or half-listening, really)...stop thinking..just for a second. Okay, thank you. Now....what if you were mature." "Wait, what???" "Yeah...what if you were mature. Or let me put it this way, what if you weren't being IMMATURE?" "Hey, fuck you! Your my higher self, you're supposed to be supporting me!" "Just think about it and feel about it...what if you weren't immature, Ryan? Love you, bye." "Buh! Ugh, you just leave like that...whatever.."
"Wait, that was a really immature response, Ryan." "So?" "No, that's not where you're going, Ryan. Mature means you don't bite back just for the thrill of arguing." "Oh yeah." "Yeah....." "Sigh..." Okay. So I start listening to Lester. With an open heart. As if he's signing me up all over again. And then I get to myself. I think, "Yeah, well you know what, Lester. It's easy for you to say and do all that. You're, like, 33 or something? And you're already immensely wealthy, pre-eFusjon. you've got it down. You know what the hell you're doing. I'm just this stupid 22-year-old who's taking a stab at something he's never tried before, and has definitely never been successful at it before, who doesn't know what he's doing, and who has no confidence in his money-making abilities. And on top of that, because I don't come with a built-in foundation of people who trust my money-making abilities, like you and Shawn and Rich do, it's more (basically impossible) work for me. So say all you want, but we're two VERY different people, and I can't make this work." Note that I'm THINKING all this...I haven't uttered a peep of it. And then he says something that floors me. Lester: "And, I mean, look at Joe Blow [I'm keeping the name private out of respect]. He's young, to my knowledge he hasn't had any 'huge' success making money, or businesses or anything like that, and he certainly doesn't have a big following of people who think that he's a financial guru like Shawn or I do. But he's being wildly successful at it." Wow. That's all I know how to say, to think...I am literally speechless, so much so that my monkey mind can't even THINK anything! Now that's a DEFINITE wow. Haha!
Lester pointed out that there seems to be a lot that Joe and I have in common, especially in the Obstacles Department. So what's so different between me and Joe? Well, besides his fabulous body, beautiful blonde tresses, and perfect facial structure that is... Granted his outside is amazing, the biggest difference is inside. He's unafraid to risk. He's unafraid to fail. and probably most importantly -- he's unafraid to succeed.
If you have not yet read my blog entitled "Your Personal Brand, Pt. 1" then go read it now and come back. And then comment here and let me know how many of you ACTUALLY did what I just told you to do, haha! If you have read it, you know something very special. In it, I posted an image of the beginning stages of my own personal brand. Among the long list of everything I want to be thought of/remembered as, there were three I wanted to achieve very quickly. They were: Willing to Risk, Willing to Fail, and Willing to Succeed. I'm not even shitting you. Go check it out if you haven't yet -- and note the date I posted that blog. I went to the raw food tasting this Sunday: July, 5th. Not only was the blog posted before the raw food tasting, but it was written a week or so before I posted it. Holy Love, the universe works in mysterious ways, right??
So in that moment, I expressed gratitude to my higher self for directing my attitude toward being open for this talk, and I made a decision. I decided to let go of my jaded attitude toward the big, scary "Multi-Level Marketing" concept we all have. Yes, there have been some shitty ones out there, let's all just be honest. There have even been ones that were started specifically just to screw over their participants so that the Big Wigs could make just fast cash, let's all just be honest.
And in the spirit of honesty, let's all just be honest about OURSELVES. Whether or not we like it, money really does make the world go around -- not ONLY money of course, but it is definitely a large key. We've just made it that way as a society. This is a concept that has taken me a LONG damn time to recognize and to feel good about accepting...I'm the one who doesn't really care about money. My dream is simply to be in public service for the rest of my life. Always with one caveat: if I could make enough money to live like that. That caveat is always there. Not just in MY expressions, but in my mom's, in my sister's, in my friends', in my cousin's. Money is important in today's world; we have made it so. AND we like money! We love the abundance of money. We may have walls up against it for whatever reasons (Lord knows I did and still do to some extent), but we all truly love it. I mean, it makes the world go 'round! How could we not love it? It offers us the freedom to vacation to all these crazy places we want to go. Or to take three months away from our job and not worry about how we'll make ends meet and JUST RELAX! Or my personal favorite right now: To just make rent this month! :) Or simply to be able to take enough time off work to fly to Chicago and grieve when our mom passes away and we NEED to go to the funeral, we NEED to grieve. Or to take our kid to Disneyland every year for their birthday! I mean, wow, how fun would that be for your kid? I mean, I don't even like Disneyland -- even as a kid -- (yes, feel free to leave your hate mail in the form of a comment), but I'm sitting here as I type that, thinking "God, THAT would have been a nice childhood. I actually would have felt special for once." For these reasons, and more, I decided to let myself be successful.
And when I decide to love myself and be successful, the world shifts. The rest of the world jumps onto my groove and goes along for the sweet, blissful ride! I'm not even joking you when I write this: I shifted my thinking while at the raw food tasting, and by the time I got home, someone had commented on my Facebook page requesting more info about eFusjon. And then I talked to someone else and they got interested. And just last night I talked to someone else about it and they seemed hella interested in it. And before that day, any time I talked about it, everyone I talked to would say, "Look, I'm not at all interested, so let's stop talking about it!" right when they heard me say anything about that big, scary three-letter word: "MLM" (multi-level marketing). Now that I've decided to risk, and to posibly fail, and no matter what to definitely succeed, I have changed the definition of "MLM" just for me. I remind myself that it stands for "Me Loves Me," 'cause that's truly what it is about for me. It is about me choosing to love myself enough to risk and still love myself, and to fail and to still love myself, and to succeed and still love myself. That's what this journey is about for me. AND I get to make money in the meantime. Hell yes, I'm in. :)
If you're in, you can sign up through my web site or you can request more info from me, if you still need some to believe that you can succeed. Please note that this isn't a solicitation, and there's obviously no obligation or anything like that. And I'm definitely not attached to whether or not you sign up. I'm simply putting my link here so you have a way to sign up if you're interested in doing so.
My biggest wall was money. Coupled with my self-worth and self-love (or, more apropos, my lack thereof). And then top onto that my need to be right, my belief that I will never be good enough, and my fear of communicating with people. And I'm not just talking about eFusjon. eFusjon is simply a "symptom" in my's another area in which I engage myself on this Earth. All the things I listed above get in my way EVERYWHERE ELSE, haha, it was just rippled over into my efforts with eFusjon. It was like Great Life for me -- a great mirror for me to look at how I do life, and then a sharp realization of how doing it that way is getting in my way of happiness, success, love and peace.
So what is your biggest wall? Leave a comment below and let us all know. Share this space like it is your own backyard, please. It is here for you and your free expressions.
Full of Excitement and Love,
Anyhow, at the beginning of May, I joined an MLM-type of company that distributes energy drinks. The company is called eFusjon, and it is really a DELICIOUS energy drink. Not only is it great 'cause it's delicious, but even better: I can drink it! You see, three years ago, I had a seizure after a night of partying during which I had a few Rockstars, so ever since, I have sworn off energy drinks because of the IMMENSELY UNHEALTHY amount of caffeine they have in them (and while we're on the health subject, let's not forget to mention how much sugar they have in them! Bah!)
Anyhow, I was introduced to eFusjon by a friend and I was like, "Yeah, whatever, dude, it's an energy drink, I don't give a damn about it." That was my front, 'cause I somehow had to convince myself to hate energy drinks so I wouldn't pounce on them every chance I got; I just loved their taste sooo much! Then he told me about their "Raw" version, which is the same energy drink, but without caffeine. And I was like, "Well, that's cool that they'd venture there, but it obviously won't work. Caffeine is the only reason the other energy drinks work....duh..." (Yes, this is the exact candid, uncensored bitchiness I gave him, lol). But in the end, I trust him with any financial endeavor ever, and would follow him off a skyscraper if he told me it would make me money and I wouldn't die. So I signed up. Note here, please, that I'm not trying to enroll you or sign you up. I'm purely writing my thoughts and my story because I think it's a fun story. :)
So, continuing:
I signed up because I ended up trusting what he was talking about. And I've learned that that's the only reason people will ever sign up for anything, specifically anything that they perceive will risk them money, time, or their reputation. I've also learned that people will trust other people for the silliest reasons sometimes! Haha. Anyhow, I signed up in May and I spent a little less than $200 doing so, and that was a huge risk/obstacle for me. I have clung to money like it's a collector's item -- at least when it comes to RISKING IT. When it's being blown on cute clothes, it just FLIES out of my hands! Haha! So I freaked out that I risked that much on something that's "not a sure bet." K, but technically, this is the surest bet I could possibly have put my money on. I'll willingly go to Wendover and Vegas and blow a few hundred bucks, which i silly logic because I'm completely betting on luck...some of the games involve skill, yes, but for the most part, I'm betting on luck. I'm investing money into something that I really have no or minimal control over. Yet this opportunity actually, logically, makes sense. 'Cause I'm putting money down on MYSELF. I'm betting how well I can perform a job. I'm betting that I can be a solid communicator. I'm betting that I have solid, trusting, engaging friendships and relationships. I'm betting solely on myself.
HOWEVER, I didn't realize this at the time, so I totally freaked out on myself. And because I freaked out, I shut down...I was already in shut down mode from having quit my job and not knowing what I was doing at that point, not knowing where life was going, and not knowing where my money was coming from next.....and then I spent some of the precious money I had! Ahhhhhh, my mind was going craaaaaaaaazzzzzyyyyy! So I shut down, and I didn't mention to anyone that I was a part of this club, and I totally hid. To illistrate how much I hid, I was talking to my friend Sara on Skype one day and she expressed that she was concerned 'cause I didn't seem like my normal self, and asked "When was the last time you left your apartment?" and I sat there and thought, and I couldn't remember! I honestly had to tell her "Shit...I don't remember......that's pathetic..." and she said "Yes. It is, Ryan. Get your ass up and go out. SOMEWHERE." Yeah, that whole hiding thing DOESN'T really work when you're in a position where you're only gonna be more successful by talking to people....
So the first month goes by, all the while I'm hiding from everyone. Of course, I don't have success, 'cause I'm nowhere near immersing myself. I'm just sitting at my computer saying "Go efusjon!" all the while hoping that eFusjon will pick me up on its lovely-tasting wings and ride me toward financial success and peace! (Feel free to note how lame I was being.) Meanwhile, my friend Lester, who had a direct effect on my having signed up, has signed up his 100th person. WHAT THE FUCK??? And Shawn, the guy who enrolled me into the club, is so successful he's already using it to pay for his house. K, WHAT THE FUUUUUCK??? So, little old lonely, Mr. creative poetic dancer kid over here is just retarded or something? Am I not destined for riches? At least not through this avenue? Does money not like me? Am I not good enough for money?? What a bitch money is that it would avoid me and tell me I don't deserve to be a part of its life and sneer at and mock me! Fine, eff money! I don't want any of it now anyway! It can stay in Shawn's hands, paying his freaking multi-million-dollar mortgage! It can stay in the hands of anyone, as long as it's not me...'cause I hate money now. It totally offended me. That bastard...
Yes, this is all the truth of what was running through my monkey mind. I am evidently VERY emotionally attached to money.
So at this point I'm pissed. Not just at my lack of money, but at my actual eFusjon cans; at the guy who signed me up; at all the successful people out there (not just the ones participating with eFusjon!); at the sun for coming up every day and reminding me that it's a new day -- a new beginning -- and I could be out there signing people up and making money and making rent and being able to eat for another day; and then at food 'cause it makes me eat it, and I need money to buy food to eat; and then at my body for needing food to run successfully; and then at my apartment 'cause not only is there enough reasons in general for me to hate my apartment building/company (like most other people, right? Lol), but additionally because it charges me rent every month, as if my being on this world is not grace enough to waive the "necessity" or paying a few hundred bucks every month to LIVE. In case you're still wondering, no, I'm not taking ANY accountability for any of this. Basically, screw everything and everyone. Haha!
So, I go to my friend's house for a "raw food tasting." She's on a new diet for health purposes, and is to eat only raw foods, and she decided to make an event out of it to share it with other people (and 'cause she's just one of those "event" types of people). I've always wanted to do something like this, and she's a DAMN good cook, so of course I go. For a while now, I've contemplated switching to raw food and as such, eat and live more healthily -- but in my beliefs, raw food is screw raw food then! Mocking me with its health AND cost.....what a bitch....Wait wait, no, get over yourself Ryan....Just go TASTE the don't have to be mad at it just because it is aligned in some way with money, and in this moment you're still choosing to be TOTALLY unaccountable for your anger toward money and'll all be okay, just go taste some food....
And thank god I went, because Lester was there. But I was angry at him, and eFusjon, and money, remember? So, of course, right out of the gate, he starts talking about eFusjon (um, not helping, sir!!) and I'm just like "Yeah, I'm totally interested, and I'll pretend to be nice, blah blah" and then something just hit me. My higher self, I think. I say to myself: "Wait...just for a second...stop listening for a second (or half-listening, really)...stop thinking..just for a second. Okay, thank you. Now....what if you were mature." "Wait, what???" "Yeah...what if you were mature. Or let me put it this way, what if you weren't being IMMATURE?" "Hey, fuck you! Your my higher self, you're supposed to be supporting me!" "Just think about it and feel about it...what if you weren't immature, Ryan? Love you, bye." "Buh! Ugh, you just leave like that...whatever.."
"Wait, that was a really immature response, Ryan." "So?" "No, that's not where you're going, Ryan. Mature means you don't bite back just for the thrill of arguing." "Oh yeah." "Yeah....." "Sigh..." Okay. So I start listening to Lester. With an open heart. As if he's signing me up all over again. And then I get to myself. I think, "Yeah, well you know what, Lester. It's easy for you to say and do all that. You're, like, 33 or something? And you're already immensely wealthy, pre-eFusjon. you've got it down. You know what the hell you're doing. I'm just this stupid 22-year-old who's taking a stab at something he's never tried before, and has definitely never been successful at it before, who doesn't know what he's doing, and who has no confidence in his money-making abilities. And on top of that, because I don't come with a built-in foundation of people who trust my money-making abilities, like you and Shawn and Rich do, it's more (basically impossible) work for me. So say all you want, but we're two VERY different people, and I can't make this work." Note that I'm THINKING all this...I haven't uttered a peep of it. And then he says something that floors me. Lester: "And, I mean, look at Joe Blow [I'm keeping the name private out of respect]. He's young, to my knowledge he hasn't had any 'huge' success making money, or businesses or anything like that, and he certainly doesn't have a big following of people who think that he's a financial guru like Shawn or I do. But he's being wildly successful at it." Wow. That's all I know how to say, to think...I am literally speechless, so much so that my monkey mind can't even THINK anything! Now that's a DEFINITE wow. Haha!
Lester pointed out that there seems to be a lot that Joe and I have in common, especially in the Obstacles Department. So what's so different between me and Joe? Well, besides his fabulous body, beautiful blonde tresses, and perfect facial structure that is... Granted his outside is amazing, the biggest difference is inside. He's unafraid to risk. He's unafraid to fail. and probably most importantly -- he's unafraid to succeed.
If you have not yet read my blog entitled "Your Personal Brand, Pt. 1" then go read it now and come back. And then comment here and let me know how many of you ACTUALLY did what I just told you to do, haha! If you have read it, you know something very special. In it, I posted an image of the beginning stages of my own personal brand. Among the long list of everything I want to be thought of/remembered as, there were three I wanted to achieve very quickly. They were: Willing to Risk, Willing to Fail, and Willing to Succeed. I'm not even shitting you. Go check it out if you haven't yet -- and note the date I posted that blog. I went to the raw food tasting this Sunday: July, 5th. Not only was the blog posted before the raw food tasting, but it was written a week or so before I posted it. Holy Love, the universe works in mysterious ways, right??
So in that moment, I expressed gratitude to my higher self for directing my attitude toward being open for this talk, and I made a decision. I decided to let go of my jaded attitude toward the big, scary "Multi-Level Marketing" concept we all have. Yes, there have been some shitty ones out there, let's all just be honest. There have even been ones that were started specifically just to screw over their participants so that the Big Wigs could make just fast cash, let's all just be honest.
And in the spirit of honesty, let's all just be honest about OURSELVES. Whether or not we like it, money really does make the world go around -- not ONLY money of course, but it is definitely a large key. We've just made it that way as a society. This is a concept that has taken me a LONG damn time to recognize and to feel good about accepting...I'm the one who doesn't really care about money. My dream is simply to be in public service for the rest of my life. Always with one caveat: if I could make enough money to live like that. That caveat is always there. Not just in MY expressions, but in my mom's, in my sister's, in my friends', in my cousin's. Money is important in today's world; we have made it so. AND we like money! We love the abundance of money. We may have walls up against it for whatever reasons (Lord knows I did and still do to some extent), but we all truly love it. I mean, it makes the world go 'round! How could we not love it? It offers us the freedom to vacation to all these crazy places we want to go. Or to take three months away from our job and not worry about how we'll make ends meet and JUST RELAX! Or my personal favorite right now: To just make rent this month! :) Or simply to be able to take enough time off work to fly to Chicago and grieve when our mom passes away and we NEED to go to the funeral, we NEED to grieve. Or to take our kid to Disneyland every year for their birthday! I mean, wow, how fun would that be for your kid? I mean, I don't even like Disneyland -- even as a kid -- (yes, feel free to leave your hate mail in the form of a comment), but I'm sitting here as I type that, thinking "God, THAT would have been a nice childhood. I actually would have felt special for once." For these reasons, and more, I decided to let myself be successful.
And when I decide to love myself and be successful, the world shifts. The rest of the world jumps onto my groove and goes along for the sweet, blissful ride! I'm not even joking you when I write this: I shifted my thinking while at the raw food tasting, and by the time I got home, someone had commented on my Facebook page requesting more info about eFusjon. And then I talked to someone else and they got interested. And just last night I talked to someone else about it and they seemed hella interested in it. And before that day, any time I talked about it, everyone I talked to would say, "Look, I'm not at all interested, so let's stop talking about it!" right when they heard me say anything about that big, scary three-letter word: "MLM" (multi-level marketing). Now that I've decided to risk, and to posibly fail, and no matter what to definitely succeed, I have changed the definition of "MLM" just for me. I remind myself that it stands for "Me Loves Me," 'cause that's truly what it is about for me. It is about me choosing to love myself enough to risk and still love myself, and to fail and to still love myself, and to succeed and still love myself. That's what this journey is about for me. AND I get to make money in the meantime. Hell yes, I'm in. :)
If you're in, you can sign up through my web site or you can request more info from me, if you still need some to believe that you can succeed. Please note that this isn't a solicitation, and there's obviously no obligation or anything like that. And I'm definitely not attached to whether or not you sign up. I'm simply putting my link here so you have a way to sign up if you're interested in doing so.
My biggest wall was money. Coupled with my self-worth and self-love (or, more apropos, my lack thereof). And then top onto that my need to be right, my belief that I will never be good enough, and my fear of communicating with people. And I'm not just talking about eFusjon. eFusjon is simply a "symptom" in my's another area in which I engage myself on this Earth. All the things I listed above get in my way EVERYWHERE ELSE, haha, it was just rippled over into my efforts with eFusjon. It was like Great Life for me -- a great mirror for me to look at how I do life, and then a sharp realization of how doing it that way is getting in my way of happiness, success, love and peace.
So what is your biggest wall? Leave a comment below and let us all know. Share this space like it is your own backyard, please. It is here for you and your free expressions.
Full of Excitement and Love,
energy drink,
forward movement,
Rest in peace (finally), Michael Jackson
I'm watching the Michael Jackson memorial footage on MSNBC, and Smokey Robinson read a condolence letter from Diana Ross and then one from Nelson Mandela, and then there is a long moment of silence for Michael, and of course, the MSNBC anchors have to break into the moment of silence to give us "information." How insensitive and annoying! Can we not have some time on air when people AREN'T spouting useless trivia mixed with their own opinions?? It's just senseless. As they broke into the silence, they even mentioned "Ah, a moment of silence here for Michael Jackson. BUTTTTT here are all my opinions!! Can you hear me?? Do you like my voice yet?? Love me and my 'knowledge'!!" It's offensive and simply absurd. I guess that is what the mute button is for :)
More to come throughout the day.
With Grace and Love,
More to come throughout the day.
With Grace and Love,
Sunday Bloody Sunday!
SO! I didn't post yesterday, despite my commitment to post every day, as well as on Saturday's blog specifically saying (and I quote): "which we will move to in tomorrow's blog" and I looked at my having broken my word and reaaaally tried to avoid doing so, haha (hence me not writing anything here until 7:15 PM the NEXT day!)
Anyhow I took a look at it, didn't like it and decided to use my guilt to make a forward moving step that I can foresee will work for me. So this step is: (drum roll please!!) I will not be posting blogs on Sundays. (Yes, I'm aware this didn't really need a drum roll...) Anyhow, I got to thinking about it and, specifically, I thought: "The Lord needed a day to rest, and Lord knows (no pun intended), that He is more powerful than I am" and then I thought: "And Mormons think you shouldn't make anyone work on Sundays, so why should I??" and THEN I thought: "Hey, that's a pretty smart idea, Ryan..."
I've always worked myself to the bone (except for those times that I don't work...), and I'm never happy doing so. So instead of being insane and doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, why don't I take on this NEW task with a NEW action? So that is that. My new agreement is to post every other day besides Sunday. That is do-able and that will be fun (for all of us).
Love you all, and I hope YOU had a great weekend! Happy Canada Day, Happy Independence Day, and Happy Cinco de Julio, everybody! :)
With Love and Peace,
Anyhow I took a look at it, didn't like it and decided to use my guilt to make a forward moving step that I can foresee will work for me. So this step is: (drum roll please!!) I will not be posting blogs on Sundays. (Yes, I'm aware this didn't really need a drum roll...) Anyhow, I got to thinking about it and, specifically, I thought: "The Lord needed a day to rest, and Lord knows (no pun intended), that He is more powerful than I am" and then I thought: "And Mormons think you shouldn't make anyone work on Sundays, so why should I??" and THEN I thought: "Hey, that's a pretty smart idea, Ryan..."
I've always worked myself to the bone (except for those times that I don't work...), and I'm never happy doing so. So instead of being insane and doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, why don't I take on this NEW task with a NEW action? So that is that. My new agreement is to post every other day besides Sunday. That is do-able and that will be fun (for all of us).
Love you all, and I hope YOU had a great weekend! Happy Canada Day, Happy Independence Day, and Happy Cinco de Julio, everybody! :)
With Love and Peace,
Your Personal Brand, Pt. 2A
Hello, my blog-reading friends!
As you may remember from yesterday's blog, we were discussing creating one's Personal Brand. What is a personal brand? What should I include in my own personal brand? And specifically, what is YOUR personal Value Proposition? I shared a few of my stands with you, and then invited you to leave a comment about what your stand in this world is, defining your own unique value proposition.
Today we will discuss the second step of creating a personal brand: Differentiation. What is Differentiation? You may remember this list from yesterday:
Differentiation is not only what makes you stand out from others, but it is the mastering of the art of marketing yourself in such a way that you stand out in people's minds. This is an important quality to master for many reasons.
Let's say that you enter a contest and win and the prize is that you get to fly over to London, stay there for a week, and during that week, you get to meet the Queen. Now, big deal, right? No one wants to make a fool of themselves in front of the Queen; wouldn't it be even better to not just not embarrass yourself, but to impress her such that she remembered you after your visit?
An example on a smaller scale:
You've been laid off. You go to apply for a new job. This recession has been hell for all of us: there are over 30.5 million Americans who are unemployed, so you definitely have your cards stacked against you. You NEED to have the employer remember you, it's just that simple.
So what makes you different than Joe Blow in the interview right after yours? (In fact, this aspect of Personal Branding will carry throughout you, and will be evident even before you ever secure the interview!) How will you differentiate yourself? What makes you remarkably different from anyone else on this planet? And once you know that, it will be time to move on to figure out how exactly you will let everyone know just how unique and special (and, possibly, hirable) you are -- which we will move to in tomorrow's blog, "Your Personal Brand, Pt. 2B".
I look forward to reading your comments regarding the second step in your process of creating your Personal Brand.
As you may remember from yesterday's blog, we were discussing creating one's Personal Brand. What is a personal brand? What should I include in my own personal brand? And specifically, what is YOUR personal Value Proposition? I shared a few of my stands with you, and then invited you to leave a comment about what your stand in this world is, defining your own unique value proposition.
Today we will discuss the second step of creating a personal brand: Differentiation. What is Differentiation? You may remember this list from yesterday:
Personal Branding consists of three elements:
- Value Proposition: What do you stand for?
- Differentiation: What makes you stand out?
- Marketability: What makes you compelling?
Differentiation is not only what makes you stand out from others, but it is the mastering of the art of marketing yourself in such a way that you stand out in people's minds. This is an important quality to master for many reasons.
Let's say that you enter a contest and win and the prize is that you get to fly over to London, stay there for a week, and during that week, you get to meet the Queen. Now, big deal, right? No one wants to make a fool of themselves in front of the Queen; wouldn't it be even better to not just not embarrass yourself, but to impress her such that she remembered you after your visit?
An example on a smaller scale:
You've been laid off. You go to apply for a new job. This recession has been hell for all of us: there are over 30.5 million Americans who are unemployed, so you definitely have your cards stacked against you. You NEED to have the employer remember you, it's just that simple.
So what makes you different than Joe Blow in the interview right after yours? (In fact, this aspect of Personal Branding will carry throughout you, and will be evident even before you ever secure the interview!) How will you differentiate yourself? What makes you remarkably different from anyone else on this planet? And once you know that, it will be time to move on to figure out how exactly you will let everyone know just how unique and special (and, possibly, hirable) you are -- which we will move to in tomorrow's blog, "Your Personal Brand, Pt. 2B".
I look forward to reading your comments regarding the second step in your process of creating your Personal Brand.
Your Personal Brand, Pt. 1
Many of us have probably heard of a personal brand. For those that haven't, it's high time you had, so here is the OFFICIAL definition:
I have begun my own individual personal branding project. For me, it's like a very well-fleshed out way of reminding myself who I am and who I always want to be, for those times when I lose myself. It's also a way for me to remind myself of what my goals are, in the "doing" sense, as well as the "being" sense.
That same web site puts this supplement forward:
So that brings us to our question of the day: What is your Value Proposition?
I haven't met many people in my life who can honestly answer the question "What do you stand for?" without having to think about it for quite a while. Most of us have probably heard the quote "If we don't stand for something, we'll fall for anything," but how many of us actually apply that quote into our life and CONSCIOUSLY DECIDE to stand for something?
In a few words, I stand for education, peace, free agency, and forward movement. Listed below are the qualities I stand for/want to be known to BE. (Hopefully the resolution is not too bad! Tell me if it is/if you can't read it, please.) As you can see, I am still working on being all those qualities :)

So, that brings us to the end of today's blog. I look forward to seeing your Value Propositions in the form of a comment! WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR??
Until Tomorrow's Awesome Blog,
"Personal branding describes the process by which individuals and entrepreneurs differentiate themselves and stand out from a crowd by identifying and articulating their unique value proposition, whether professional or personal, and then leveraging it across platforms with a consistent message and image to achieve a specific goal."
I have begun my own individual personal branding project. For me, it's like a very well-fleshed out way of reminding myself who I am and who I always want to be, for those times when I lose myself. It's also a way for me to remind myself of what my goals are, in the "doing" sense, as well as the "being" sense.
That same web site puts this supplement forward:
Personal Branding consists of three elements:
- Value Proposition: What do you stand for?
- Differentiation: What makes you stand out?
- Marketability: What makes you compelling?
So that brings us to our question of the day: What is your Value Proposition?
I haven't met many people in my life who can honestly answer the question "What do you stand for?" without having to think about it for quite a while. Most of us have probably heard the quote "If we don't stand for something, we'll fall for anything," but how many of us actually apply that quote into our life and CONSCIOUSLY DECIDE to stand for something?
In a few words, I stand for education, peace, free agency, and forward movement. Listed below are the qualities I stand for/want to be known to BE. (Hopefully the resolution is not too bad! Tell me if it is/if you can't read it, please.) As you can see, I am still working on being all those qualities :)

So, that brings us to the end of today's blog. I look forward to seeing your Value Propositions in the form of a comment! WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR??
Until Tomorrow's Awesome Blog,
Change, the Concept of "Right," and Love
On Integrating Change:
Change is a very interesting force. If I could change the concept of "The Elements" and make my change into mainstream thought, I would include "Change" as an Element -- much like Eastern philosophies include "Chi".
I've always struggled against change, trying to control it, thinking I knew better -- not trusting that where it may take me will lead me to somewhere I enjoy much more than my current station. It's like I bought a ticket for a 12:15 train going from Salt Lake to New York (or Montauk, if that works better for you), but I refuse to board until the 2:15 one rolls around so I could make sure that the trains that left during those two hours certainly went to New York/Montauk.
Or perhaps more apropos: I refuse to listen to the train station workers giving me direction and instead mistakenly board the train heading to San Francisco, then the one going to Denver, then to Alberta, then to Iowa, until I finally choose to let down my walls and listen to the workers and finally travel in the "right" direction.
What Is Right?
It is my dominant hand. It is the direction I prefer most to turn. It is not what I feel I currently am. It feels like justice as well as injustice. Those with holy works will be receive on the Right Hand of God. I should read my Bible more so I can quote that analogy more correctly, with more confidence of certainty. Right is "should." Right is not Left. Until you choose Right two more times. I wonder if there is any correlation here with the saying "One step forward, 2 steps back"?
Right is perfection and conformity. Right is white, which is beaming, glorious, pure light; Right, is in fact, one initial "B" away from "Bright." Interestingly, it is also one initial "F" from "Fright." Right is Heaven, as Wrong is Hell: specifically, emotionally and graphically similar to Ketut's description of such in "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. Right, as you drift down the Amazon and approach a fork, is the sunny, beautiful, Snow-White-forest-buddies-esque path, while Wrong (Left) is the dark and gloomy, Snow-White's-woodsmen-returning-with-the-heart-esque path.
What is Love, and (Why) do we "need" it?
Love is the music to the poetry of our lives. We "need" it because it assists us in moving.
Accomplishment means I love myself. When "accomplishment" turns to service, it means I love myself and others. When "accomplishment" and "service" integrate into the poetry of life, this transcends generosity to exemplify the grace that is the purity of Being. The beauty that results is the music of life.
Change is a very interesting force. If I could change the concept of "The Elements" and make my change into mainstream thought, I would include "Change" as an Element -- much like Eastern philosophies include "Chi".
I've always struggled against change, trying to control it, thinking I knew better -- not trusting that where it may take me will lead me to somewhere I enjoy much more than my current station. It's like I bought a ticket for a 12:15 train going from Salt Lake to New York (or Montauk, if that works better for you), but I refuse to board until the 2:15 one rolls around so I could make sure that the trains that left during those two hours certainly went to New York/Montauk.
Or perhaps more apropos: I refuse to listen to the train station workers giving me direction and instead mistakenly board the train heading to San Francisco, then the one going to Denver, then to Alberta, then to Iowa, until I finally choose to let down my walls and listen to the workers and finally travel in the "right" direction.
What Is Right?
It is my dominant hand. It is the direction I prefer most to turn. It is not what I feel I currently am. It feels like justice as well as injustice. Those with holy works will be receive on the Right Hand of God. I should read my Bible more so I can quote that analogy more correctly, with more confidence of certainty. Right is "should." Right is not Left. Until you choose Right two more times. I wonder if there is any correlation here with the saying "One step forward, 2 steps back"?
Right is perfection and conformity. Right is white, which is beaming, glorious, pure light; Right, is in fact, one initial "B" away from "Bright." Interestingly, it is also one initial "F" from "Fright." Right is Heaven, as Wrong is Hell: specifically, emotionally and graphically similar to Ketut's description of such in "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. Right, as you drift down the Amazon and approach a fork, is the sunny, beautiful, Snow-White-forest-buddies-
What is Love, and (Why) do we "need" it?
Love is the music to the poetry of our lives. We "need" it because it assists us in moving.
Accomplishment means I love myself. When "accomplishment" turns to service, it means I love myself and others. When "accomplishment" and "service" integrate into the poetry of life, this transcends generosity to exemplify the grace that is the purity of Being. The beauty that results is the music of life.
I'm Breaking My Own Virginity
How apropos, right?...
This is officially my first blog.
Well, technically, my "first blog" was way back in September (I think) of 2004 -- on MySpace. Back in the day before MySpace became huge and annoying. It was a simply layout, a simple way of connecting to my best friends, and a simple way of procrastinating my homework until 6am........Yes, I was addicted, and ever since, I have rode the Social Networking waves with fun, connection, but not any updated technological skills of my own, ironically....I need to update those skills pretty soon here! Haha.
But, since that blog was 5 years ago (at the tender age of 18), much less "official," and really just a place for me to vent and cry and show the world how awkward I am, I'm counting this as my official "first blog." Oh, but don't you worry, this will still be a great place to come witness me being awkward! :)
This blog is a place where I will come to describe myself. Not necessarily events that have happened to me, or work projects, or anything specific like that. Though those will obviously play a part in the construction of this blog, its focus is, simply, on me (how wonderful!). You may have noticed the title of the blog: Success Through Peace. That is the theme. I will share: how I have gained a more peaceful life; how I have gained a more successful life; what I'm learning as I go down this fabulous journey called life; famous (or unfamous) quotes that ring true to me; random challenges, quizzes, and contests that promote peace and/or success; and anything else that strikes my fancy that I decide to throw in later. :)
So now I open it up to my readers: what do you want to know about me?
AH! First amazing thing I just learned that I am now imparting to you! Every vote TRULY does count. Right now, my readership = 1. Me. And once I tell my mom that I have this blog, she'll read it every now and then. Therefore, when you read this, and you choose to comment, you will have ALL THE POWER!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! But really, you will have an exorbitant amount of power and say over this blog with your comments. And that holds true when (knock on the best wood there is!) there are millions of readers!
So, you're welcome for that first amazing lesson. :) Now go back into the world and use it in ONE place in your life and come back and comment with three things:
1) How amazing you are
2) Where you used that lesson/how you applied it into your life, and what the result was (whether the result was "bad" or "good") and
3) What you want to know about me/what you want me to post about/what you want to read about.
I am looking forward to hearing back from you.
Oh! One last note...I am committing to post AT LEAST one time daily. I will do my best to keep that committment, and I request that if you see me not fulfilling that committment, you call me on it! This will bless both our lives: You'll have an awesome blog to read about, and you will have practiced owning your voice, and I will receive very valuable feedback and will better be able to teach myself to keep my committments to the fullest! :)
With Gratitude and Love,
This is officially my first blog.
Well, technically, my "first blog" was way back in September (I think) of 2004 -- on MySpace. Back in the day before MySpace became huge and annoying. It was a simply layout, a simple way of connecting to my best friends, and a simple way of procrastinating my homework until 6am........Yes, I was addicted, and ever since, I have rode the Social Networking waves with fun, connection, but not any updated technological skills of my own, ironically....I need to update those skills pretty soon here! Haha.
But, since that blog was 5 years ago (at the tender age of 18), much less "official," and really just a place for me to vent and cry and show the world how awkward I am, I'm counting this as my official "first blog." Oh, but don't you worry, this will still be a great place to come witness me being awkward! :)
This blog is a place where I will come to describe myself. Not necessarily events that have happened to me, or work projects, or anything specific like that. Though those will obviously play a part in the construction of this blog, its focus is, simply, on me (how wonderful!). You may have noticed the title of the blog: Success Through Peace. That is the theme. I will share: how I have gained a more peaceful life; how I have gained a more successful life; what I'm learning as I go down this fabulous journey called life; famous (or unfamous) quotes that ring true to me; random challenges, quizzes, and contests that promote peace and/or success; and anything else that strikes my fancy that I decide to throw in later. :)
So now I open it up to my readers: what do you want to know about me?
AH! First amazing thing I just learned that I am now imparting to you! Every vote TRULY does count. Right now, my readership = 1. Me. And once I tell my mom that I have this blog, she'll read it every now and then. Therefore, when you read this, and you choose to comment, you will have ALL THE POWER!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! But really, you will have an exorbitant amount of power and say over this blog with your comments. And that holds true when (knock on the best wood there is!) there are millions of readers!
So, you're welcome for that first amazing lesson. :) Now go back into the world and use it in ONE place in your life and come back and comment with three things:
1) How amazing you are
2) Where you used that lesson/how you applied it into your life, and what the result was (whether the result was "bad" or "good") and
3) What you want to know about me/what you want me to post about/what you want to read about.
I am looking forward to hearing back from you.
Oh! One last note...I am committing to post AT LEAST one time daily. I will do my best to keep that committment, and I request that if you see me not fulfilling that committment, you call me on it! This will bless both our lives: You'll have an awesome blog to read about, and you will have practiced owning your voice, and I will receive very valuable feedback and will better be able to teach myself to keep my committments to the fullest! :)
With Gratitude and Love,
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