

These Thoughtless Words are Breaking Us Apart

Why the fuck do we judge people?? What is so important about us that we choose to judge other people?? Right and left, we do it. Life is so much more precious than the words we put to it. I just read a friend's blog....and to be honest, I don't know if I should even call her a friend. Our relationship emerged as mentor/student, grew to acquaintances, evolved to loved ones (but not too close), and suddenly spiraled down to frenemies. We built the demise of our friendship on a bridge burnt by judgments.

I read posts on her blog, and I was tearing up. The preciousness of life she presented was The Absolute Truth. I noticed every single judgment I had of her. I felt every single judgment she'd had of me. And it hurt SO bad. I don't know all the judgments she holds against me, I only know the ones I hold against her, but it hurt. Probably worse because of that. Because I don't know her judgments yet I CONTINUE to throw mine at her. I can't believe I have been content to perform that role for so long! Way to be a stereotype, Ry: the petty, judgmental queer. Tomorrow I will call her, and find out when I can meet with her and hug her and offer up my sorrow and humble myself before her, creating clarity between us and a new beginning.

Being judged hurts. Bottom line. So why -- seriously, now, WHY -- would we ever rationally choose to judge one another? Please assist me in stopping judgment. I will do my part; please do your part. Judgment hurts, it keeps us FAR separated, and only aids us in concocting falsehood in the rest of our lives. Thank you for your assistance, loved ones.

With Sorrow, Humility and Grace,


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